8. Yinchorri

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~33 BBY~

This picture in the media is what a yinchorri looks like :-) Creepy af.

Jade - 

I had been going on tons of missions lately, it seems that there has been more and more disagreements over resources and the Trade Federation seemed outraged.

The Jedi had been asked to go on countless missions to other systems by the Senate members lately because of the Trade Federation. 

Obi-wan and I were both 24

I was sitting in our AP battle strategies class that we started when we were twenty-two years old listening to the General lecture us on and on. He seemed to repeat stuff the day after he taught it to us and this was one of those days.

I suddenly felt something disturbing in the Force and looked out the door of the classroom in confusion. I saw many different Jedi Knights running past the classroom in a hurry.

I looked at Obi-wan who was sitting near me, his brows furrowed as we looked outside the classroom.

Eventually the whole class started looking out the door. I eventually saw Master Fisto run past and I went outside the classroom to catch up with him without a second thought.

Obi-wan followed me and we joined the crowd of Jedis. 

"Master Fisto!" I called out, he stopped once he heard us and turned around, "Master Fisto, what's going on?"

He put his hand on my shoulder, "Jade, you must go to your dorm and stay there. The Temple is going on high alert, I must go to the command room." He says quickly.

He started to keep running but I caught his shoulder and turned him around, "I'm your padawan Master, with all due respect.. Let me come with you."

Master Fisto looked between Obi-wan and me, trying to decide what to do.

Obi-wan spoke, "I must go find Master Qui-gon." He hesitantly and quickly bowed to Master fisto before running off to find Master Qui-gon.

Master Fisto sighed, "Keep up and stay quiet in the meeting, learn from this experience." 

I nodded and he started running, me following close behind. We went to the command center in the Temple where many Jedi masters were gathered. 

Master Mace Windu looked certainly displeased at the moment and I certainly didn't want to mess with him.

I was the only padawan there besides Obi-wan who was standing near the back next to Master Qui-gon.

"How could you do this?!" Master Plo Koon almost shouted at Master Windu.

I was completely confused by then. I looked around at the rest of the Jedi Masters who looked very stressed out.

While Master Windu defended his case about why he did it, Master Fisto leaned over and whispered to me, "Can you sense it?"

"It's a very tight and displeasing feeling in the air, in the Force." I crossed my arms watching Jedi bicker.

Suddenly Master Yoda walked in and everyone went silent. He walked to the center of the command room in the middle of the circle of Jedi.

He looked very displeased, "Explain to me what happened, Master Windu." 

"I- I thought I was doing the right thing. Chancellor Valorum asked me to send two Jedi so I did. Them and I both did not know what the Yinchorri could do." Master Windu looked down at his feet, "I am fully responsible for what happened to them and I'm very sorry about it."

Everyone looks at him in despair. I still wondered what happened to them.

"The Yinchorri must pay for what they did, Master Yoda. They were innocent, the Yinchorri were murdered and then mutilated." One of the Masters said.

My jaw dropped in disgust. I watch Obi-wan's jaw clench at the thought of it.

"What if putting the bodies on Senator Valorum's doorstep was a threat? What if they're planning an attack?" Master Plo Koon questioned.

"We should send some Jedi on another mission to Yinchorri to find out what's really going on." Master Luminara said, "It will be monitored and safer if we send more Jedi."

Master Yoda and everybody else gathered in deep thought. "Act on Master Luminara's plan, we will. In charge of the mission, Master Windu is. Volunteers, he will need."

Whispers started around the room. I looked up at Master Fisto who looked like he was deep in thought. Before I knew what he was doing he stepped forward raising his hand slightly, "My padawan and I would be honored to be a part of this mission."

I mentally facepalmed, since when did I say I would be honored.

Master Fisto turned and smiled at me in a humorous way. That time I actually did facepalm, causing Master Fisto to slightly chuckle at me.

Master Luminary offered and so did Master Plo Koon. Many other masters volunteered with their padawans. We needed one more volunteer when...

"My padawan Obi-wan and I volunteer to be a part of the mission." Master Qui-gon stepped out and said. Obi-wan still looked relatively angry about what had happened to the Jedi.

I took a deep breath as we left the command room and walked out into the halls. Master Fisto spoke to Master Qui-gon as him and Obi-wan walked along side us.

"Are you ready for this?" Obi-wan asks me.

"Please, Obi-Wan, need I remind you, this isn't the first mission I've gone on." I laugh it of, even though I was terrified.

He smirked and then our masters turned to us, "Us four will be going to the homeworld of the Yinchorri, Yinchorr. This will most likely be the most dangerous so be prepared." Master Qui-gon spoke.

Master Fisto nodded, "You two are almost ready to become Jedis so I know you don't need much guidance. But please... follow orders." He said in an almost humorous way, knowing that we probably will defy orders at least once.

Obi-wan and I smiled at each other, remembering our past missions together. We both bow to our masters.

"Of course Masters." Obi-wan says, starting to walk away.

"We'll meet you at the landing dock all ready to go." I add before following after Obi-wan.

Obi-wan laughs, "Our masters know us too well." 

"Of course they do, they taught us everything we know." 




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