7. Thyferra

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~44 BBY~

Jade -

Master Kit Fisto and I were on our way to Thyferra on a mission from the Senate about a Bacta shortage. Since Bacta was very important in our universe for healing, this mission was very important.

"Remember Jade, patience is key." Master Fisto spoke from the pilot seat in our ship. 

I sat down in the co-pilot seat, "Yes master, I'll try to remember."

"As Master Yoda always told me, there is no try. There is will, and will not." Master Fisto looked at me and smiled.

I chuckled slightly, "Preparing for landing." 

I pressed a button to activate the lever I then pulled down so that the landing legs came out from under the ship as we land. We put on our brown cloaks and walk off onto the landing platform. 

We raised our hoods and continued to walk through. 

"This is the Xucphra Corporation factory?" I ask Master Fisto as we walk. It looked now like a wasteland, everything was destroyed, the entire factory, blown up. 

"This was the Xucphra Factory." Master Fisto spoke.

"Do you sense that?" I ask him, looking at him. He nods and removes his hood.

As we approached the giant ruins I see now what we had sensed, "Battle droids." I mutter.

One of the droids see us, "Jedi! Attack!"

Many different droids all say the same thing, "Roger Roger."

I take off my hood and we pull out our lightsabers. Thankfully I still had my first ever constructed lightsaber. I got in attack position next to Master Fisto.

The droids started open firing at us and at every turn of my wrist the lasers were blocked from hitting me. I hit a laser toward a droid and killed it, spinning around and hitting another one.

Master Fisto and I both run forward, spinning around and slicing droids in half. I cut it the last one vertically down the middle, creating a burn mark on the ground.

We turn off our lightsabers and continue on like the droids were nothing. We put our hoods back on and start to walk into the ruins of the factory which happened to creepy me out to an extent.

It was dark and foggy, very humid and hot on the planet as well. We continued on, coming to an intersection in the nearly destroyed hallways.

We were about to walked forward when Master Fisto put his arm out in front of me and pushed us against the wall on the right. Just as he did, two men walked past. One of them I recognized.

They were talking. One of them was the Trade Federation's leader, Hask and by the way Master Fisto eyed down them both I assumed this wasn't a pleasant thing to have found out.

Hask spoke, "I promise you, the sacrifice of your precious refinery will bring in three times the amount of credits as you have been getting for Bacta."

They got farther away and got harder to hear. Master Fisto signaled me to follow him and we both started subtly following them, hiding in any nooks and crooks along the hall's wall along the way. We were able to keep up with their conversation.

"So how would this shortage of Bacta bring in more credits?" The man asked, I started to assume he was Adol Bel, Xucphra's leader.

"It's higher in demand, people have a need for it and there's not a lot of it, therefore it is expensive." Hask explains.

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