3. Crystals

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There's a picture of young Obi-wan in the media section. Don't you wanna just hug him? :-)

~49 BBY~

Jade -

Ultimately I would've rather been back at the ship constructing my lightsaber but instead we were looking for a crystal for Obi-wan.

We looked through many caves, and meditated for at least 10 minutes in each cave. I didn't actually meditate though, The crystal had to find him and he had to find it.

Once we entered a cave Master Qui-gon spoke, "I believe it would be easier if I brought the ship here. Do not leave this cave, do I make myself clear?" He says, being stern.

We both nodded and Obi-wan sat down as Master Qui-gon left the cave. I walked around carefully examining the cave.

I also examined my training lightsaber. It didn't do much damage, but it did do damage. Mainly bruises, welts and minor burns instead of a real lightsaber which caused amputation and death.

I turned my head to look at Obi-wan as he opened his eyes and stood up. He had found one, I smiled to myself as he walked past me, deeper into the cave.

There was a little hole or, nook in the ice wall. It honestly looked like something lived in there so I was very confused when he stuck his hand into it and reached around for something in the bottom of it. He pulled out a crystal and a huge smile grew on his face. I giggled at his reaction.

I pulled my crystal out of my pocket and walked over to him, I put our crystals next to each other. His was a darker shade of blue but not by much. Mine was very bright, almost white but vibrantly blue.

I suddenly sensed something, something big and dangerous.

"I sense it too." Obi-wan said as we looked deeper into the cave.

My heart started pounding and my mind started spinning, I wanted to do something stupid like call for help. So I took a quiet, deep breath and calmed myself. I looked at Obi-wan who looked relatively calm himself. That made me calm that he was calm.

Then we both heard it. A low growling noise came from the dark, we looked at each other in fear and then slowly started to back out of the icy cave.

It kept growling, like it was saying "do not move or I will attack." This made me want to scream for help but I knew that would do no good. Thankfully I could see Master Qui-gon's ship ahead of us. Obi-wan and I made eye contact again and then started running.

Soon after we started running, the thing came out of the cave and started chasing us like it was playing a game. The door up to the ship opened and Master Qui-gon stepped out and saw us, an angry, yet humorous facial expression appeared on his face.

I soon figured out that we were well ahead of the beast. So far ahead that we could've started walking to the ship and still made it there before the beast.

(You should play the song Wolves by One Direction from this point on ;))

My mind had been playing tricks on me.

We got to the ship and looked back at it, Obi-wan face palmed and Master Qui-gon chuckled. "Your mind used your fear against you, don't let that happen. When you are fearful of things, you think of all the possible things that could go wrong. Let the Force guide your mind instead."

I took in his advice for a moment and then asked him, "How can somebody not fear anything?"

"You can't. There will always be something you are scared of," We all started to walk inside to the main living quarters, "it's just a matter of what you do with that fear."

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