A/N Sequel Series

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Hey guys! Long time no talk (For most of you, at least)!

First off, I wanna say sorry for not updating the book and telling you this earlier: THERE ARE MORE BOOKS AFTER THIS ONE! Here's how it goes, the ones that have an X next to them are completed.

(X) THE AGE OF JEDI (Series 1):

(X) Age of Padawan (Book 1)

(X) Beginning of the Army (Book 2)

(X) The Loss of Wars (Book 3)

(X) Rise of the Empire (Book 4)

(X) Teamed Up With Rebels (Book 5)


(X) Age of Rebellion (Book 1)

(Currently being written) The Dark Side (Book 2) 

Since this is the first book of the series, it has the most reads (which I thank you very much for). 

BUT, not a lot of you have read the books that come after this one. It is probably because this first book is so crappy that you don't want to read the next, OR because you didn't know other books existed, which makes sense. 


The sequel series (Age of Rebellion) doesn't require you to read this first series (the first 5 (?) books)!! You can just start up from the first book of the sequel series (Age of Rebellion) which is on my profile!

I promise you, it is MUCH better than this one. It's in third person cause around the 5th book of this series I realized that first person is hard to write and was making things shitty. 

My writing skills have also improved. I promise you, if you enjoy Star Wars, you will enjoy the Age of Rebellion.

BUT, I will definitely not complain if you read this first series first. It'll give more meaning to the second series if you do. I promise. :))

I really hope you go and add the other books to your library (or booklist, whatever). Thank you guys so much!

Love you all!

Xoxo, Chloe :)

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