10. Yinchorri Pt. 3

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~33 BBY~

The picture is of Master Lilit jumping to save her Padawan, K'Kruhk :)

Jade -

As soon as the Yinchorri General died and dropped to the ground, the army started firing, We all stood in the circle and started to block all the lasers, hitting some back at the soldiers.

Then all the soldiers got distracted with something coming down from the sky, our Jedi reinforcements. The ship landed and five of them charged out of the ship, the other three stayed there to protect the ship.

The Yinchorri started their attack once again and we had them on two fronts. The Jedi reinforcements formed a wedge and fought through the army to us while we held our ground in the middle.

My eye caught a tank, charging up to fire directly at the cruiser that just landed. Without second thought I ran forward, fighting through the army to the tank. I jumped onto the tank and cut off the barrel it shoots out of, I then made a hole through the tank and killed the driver.

"Jade!" Obi-wan yelled from the middle, I blinked a few times looking at him then to the tank, I smelt a small gas smell and suddenly realized it was going to blow up so I jumped off into the middle of the army, being quickly surrounded.

I swung my lightsaber around in a circle, killing at least five Yinchorrians, I then quickly rolled back to my group where Obi-wan nodded at me.

Our groups finally met and Master Fisto ordered us to go back to the ship, "Contact the Jedi council and tell them what's going on!"

We all nodded and started going, fighting off the army without formation. I didn't know what happened because it happened so quickly but Master Lilit had jumped to save her Padawan, K'Kruhk and had gotten shot in the shoulder and quickly fell to the ground.

Obi-wan was still fighting and didn't notice it so I ran over to her and K'Kruhk, quickly protecting them both, "K'Kruhk! Take Master Lilit to the ship! Now!" 

I looked behind my back to see him carrying her to the ship, I moved along with them, protecting their backs. Eventually Obi-wan went to the front of them to protect their fronts, we had formed a wedge when the other Jedi joined in to protect Master Lilit and K'Kruhk.

We got to the ship and more Yinchorri started attacking it. Obi-wan and I stood out front while K'Kruhk took his master inside.

"Who are we missing?" I ask Obi-wan, Master Plo Koon and Master Gallia as we all stood in front of the ship protecting it. 

"K'Kruhk and Lilit are inside along with Master Koth. Master Fisto and Master Qui-gon are still out there along with Master Giiett and Master Tsui Choi. His Padawan Theen Fida is out there as well." Master Plo Koon said as he hit a laser back at a Yinchorrian.

I quickly spotted all of them, Theen Fida and Master Tsui Choi were fighting side by side, So were Master Fisto and Qui-gon. Master Giiett was the farthest away but I could still spot him. 

"Master Giiett needs help. Obi-wan, Jade go help him!" Master Gallia says quickly.

Obi-wan and I nod, quickly running out into the army that was almost diminished. We fought through a few until Master Giiett saw us and smiled slightly. A laser then ran through him, he had been shot in the back and Obi-wan and I rushed over to him.

I bent down and checked his pulse, "Master Giiet?" I said.

"Go on without me! Go! Get everyone else to safety!" He said, pulling himself up and bringing himself to sit up against the fuel tank behind him, there were only a couple Yinchorri left and they were soon dead.

"More are on the way." Master Qui-gon said running over to us. "Master Giiett, can you walk?"

"No, I'll only slow you down, finish the mission, I won't survive anyway." He said smiling lightly. He coughed as he held his stomach.

I released my hand from his shoulder and stood up, we stood there in front of him, unsure of what to do.

"Go!" He yelled as we saw the approaching Yinchorri in the distance.

"Alright, c'mon, goodbye Master Giiett." Master Fisto said, a serious and sad tone in his voice.

Everyone started jogging away and I bent down, "May the Force be with you, Master." I nodded my head respectively.

"Be strong, young one." He smiled at me lightly before I stood up and ran after the group and enter the ship.

We took off and watch as the Yinchorri reinforcements got to Master Giiett.  We lost view of him once out ship got into space.

Soon after, everyone felt it, everyone felt his death. It felt like somebody stabbed me in the heart and suddenly everything went black.

I was suddenly front of Master Giiett as he spoke to the Yinchorri Army while sat up against the fuel tank, he talked about strong the Jedi were and how they shouldn't have started this battle.

He then ignited his lightsaber and cut through the fuel tank, igniting it and then blowing up, taking almost all the reinforcements down with him. 

I then woke up on a bed in the back of the ship, Obi-wan was sitting next to it, worried and stressed.

"Jade?! Are you okay?!" He asked, putting his hand on my shoulder.

I was confused, "What happened?" 

"We all sensed Master Giiett's death and then you fell on the floor, you blacked out and no one knew what had happened to you. Are you okay?" He asked, helping me sit up.

"Yes, I'm fine." I told him, feeling the bump on the back of my head.

"What happened?" He asked, becoming straight faced and curious.

"I saw it.. I saw Master Giiett's death, it was horrible. He took more than half the army down with him though, he was so brave..." I said, remembering every single detail.

"Has this ever happened before...?" He asked, basically pointing out that this was a power only Master Yoda had.

"No... This is the first time. Don't tell anybody, please." I told him, knowing he'd be confused.

"Why not? This is a new power Jade, something very rare among Jedi." He explained.

"I just.. I want to talk to Master Yoda about it first, alright? I don't know how to control it." I also explained.

He nodded his head, "Alright... Your secret it safe with me."




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