16. Tatooine

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~32 BBY~

Jade -

We exited out of the city and into the water in what the Gungans called a Bonco. Obi-wan driving while I was in the passenger's seat and JarJar and Qui-gon were in the back.

We went deeper and deeper into the water, it got darker as we went.

JarJar points out the window, "Oh! Gooberfish!" JarJar practically yells.

Obi-wan gets a look of confusion on his face for a second, "Why were you banished JarJar?" He asks.

"A small part of it would be.. uh.. mesa clumsy." JarJar says, obviously disappointed in himself.

"You were banished because you were clumsy?" I ask, a confused look on my face.

"Uh.. Yousa might be sayin' that." JarJar said, causing me to raise one eyebrow.

Our ship went through school's of fish and I could suddenly feel something very ominous about our journey through the core. 

"Mesa caused one or twoa little tiny many accidentes." JarJar says, his voice still irritating me to the point of annoyance. He went on to tell some story that I honestly really couldn't understand when all the sudden something big caught hold of our ship.

We turned around and saw a huge, what JarJar would call a 'gooberfish' lock its teeth around our ship and start to swim away with it.

While JarJar was screaming, an even bigger gooberfish came out of a cave and ate the other one. I saw it coming and so did Qui-gon and Obi-wan, that's why we remained so calm the entire time.

Qui-Gob turned towards the front again, "There's always a bigger fish."

I rolled my eyes as we went deeper into the planet core. We went through many different cave systems towards where the scanners said Theed was. Theed was the capital of the Naboo.

"Howsa yousa know where to go?" JarJar asked.

"The Force guides us.." I reply, calmly taking a deep breath.

JarJar went on about how we were going to die down here while all of us concentrated on following the Force and completely ignored JarJar.

"Go into the outcove right there." Qui-Gob pointed at it and Obi-wan drove into it.

We started going further down but soon started going back up and before we knew it, the surface was in our sights. We got to the top of the water and docked near the walls of the harbor.

Theed was quite beautiful I had to say.

"We must locate the queen." Qui-Gon says as we walked through the city unseen by the droids that were on patrols.

Most of the droids traveled in packs along with packs of prisoners, I cringed. I wanted to go and help them, not just sneak around and look for the Queen. There was three of us, we could totally defeat the entire army.

We snuck from wall to wall eventually going up stairs onto the stone walls and bridges.

"There she is!" I shout-whispered and pointed.

It was the queen, some of her ambassadors and her handmaidens. We followed them for two minutes or so until we ran to the bridge ahead of them.

We laid low on the bridge until her group got closer.

"Now!" I whispered and we all jumped down. I landed and quickly rolled forward, taking out my lightsaber and cutting a droid in half. I stood up and saw three in front of me so I quickly closed my eyes and put my hand out, guiding the Force to what I wanted to do.

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