15. Gungans

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The picture ^ in the media is a sneak peek of all the covers for the net three books in this series, just saying, I'm proud of them :-) How good does Jade look in Armor in The Loss of War tho? :) 

~32 BBY~

Jade -

Once we landed on the ground, everything went to hell. I got stuck in the back of my ship because the droids had turned on and I couldn't risk being seen. Once all the droids in my ship got out I attempted to sneak out the back.

I snuck from tree to tree attempting to find Obi-wan and Qui-gon when all the sudden I heard a droid's voice speak and the clanking of their movements.

"Freeze Jedi! You are under arrest!" It said, I could feel the tip of its gun point in the middle of my back. I put my hands up and turned around to get a look at how many droids there are.

There was about five so I quickly took out my lightsaber and did my favorite move. I swung my lightsaber all around in a circle, cutting each one of them surrounding me in half.

They fell to the ground and as they did I could hear Qui-gon's voice near by. He must've been talking to some native.

I ran towards his the two people's voices and saw Qui-gon and a gungan. Gungans were the only other species on the planet of Naboo besides humans. 

There was shooting near them so I jogged through the bushes to see Obi-wan being chased by two droids on speeder bikes. Qui-Gob instantly pulled out his lightsaber and defended him, firing the lasers back at the droids, knocking them off their bikes.

The gungan stood up, "You saved my again."

His voice made me want to kill myself to be honest. It was more annoying than the destroyer droids.

I walked up and pointed at the gungan, "What is this?" I looked up at the gungan who gave me a displeasing look.

"A local." Qui-gon replies with annoyance in his voice. "Let's get out of here before more droids show up." Qui-Gob adds, quickly walking away.

We started to following him and the gungan starts to freak out, "More?! More did you say?" 

I rolled my eyes and Obi-wan gave me the same look. We were jogging through the forest, looking for safety when the gungan speaks once again, piercing my ears with his intolerable voice, "Esqueeze me. Most of safest place would be Gungan city where I grew up. Tis a hidden city."

We all turned and looked at him, "City?" Qui-Gob asks.

The gungan nods, "Uh-huh."

"Well can you take us there?" I ask him with wide eyes, I honestly couldn't stand him.

The gungan puts his hands up, "Uehh, On second thought, no. Not really, no." 

I wanted him to get to the point already and so did Obi-wan and Qui-gon. Qui-Gob put his hands on his hips and looked at the gungan, "No?"

"This is kind of embarrassing but.. My afraid my have been banished, my forgotten. they will do terrible things to me, terrible things to me if me going back there." He says as you could hear the crashing of trees and the blowing up of bombs in the distance.

Qui-gon points towards the sound, "You hear that?"

The gungan lifts his ear up, "Yeah."

"That is the sound of a thousand terrible things heading this way." Qui-Gob starts, moving towards the gungan to intimidate him.

Obi-wan moved closer to him as well, "If they find us," He began, a smirk on his face, "they will crush us, grind us into tiny pieces and blast us into oblivion."

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