9. Yinchorri Pt. 2

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~33 BBY~

Jade -

I took a deep breath as we walked to the docking station. I knew Obi-wan could tell I was tense and he did what he usually does, change the subject.

"What was your pain tolerance score?" He asked.

We took this test every few years to test our pain tolerance. Jedi are supposed to be able to withstand a very high amount of pain.

"72." I reply, he looks at me proudly, "You?"

"83." He smirks, continue to walk formally towards the Temple's docking stations.

I roll my eyes at him. We get to the landing dock and find all the volunteers waiting next to three ships.

Adi Gallia, Eeth Koth, Tsui Choi, and Theen Fida were assigned to the ocean world of Kitheeth. Plo Koon, Micah Giiett, Lilit Twoseas and her padawan K'Kruhk were sent to Yibikkoror, the tiniest world in the Yinchorri system.

Master Fisto, me and Master Qui-gon and Obi-wan were assigned to the Yinchorri's homeworld, Yinchorr. We were all searching for a rumored Command Center.

Master Windu spoke to us, giving us the commands, "If you lose touch with us, make sure that is the first thing you do."

We all nod and then head to our ships, flying in form to Expansion Region of the galaxy. Obi-wan was flying while Master Fisto was the co-pilot.

We exited out of hyperdrive into the Yinchorri system, everything seemed normal until there was a small explosion that came from the back of our ship. I regained my balance.

"What was that?!" I asked, strapping into the seat behind Master Fisto, Master Qui-gon strapped into the seat behind Obi-wan.

"Oh, just a little turbulence." Obi-wan joked.

Suddenly we saw Master Koth's ship fly past us followed by two Yinchorri ships that were open fire on the defenseless Jedi ship.

"Turbulence you say?" I joke back at Obi-wan who was piloting through space trying to avoid any damage from the incoming lasers.

One of the lasers hit us and the whole ship shook. My eyes widened. We had no defenses besides our ships's shields, no guns or any. We were ultimately screwed.

The other Jedi's ships got away from their shooters but ours were still stuck on us.

"Hyperdrive into the plant's atmosphere. They'll think we went past the planet." Master Qui-gon said and all of us looked at him like he was crazy.

Obi-wan shrugs and we prepare for hyperdrive, we blasted off surrounded by blue for a slight second, we had gone to the other side of the planet and went into the atmosphere.

"Let's wait a moment and see if they followed us." Master Fisto suggests. We wait for five minutes and nothing happened.

"It doesn't seem like the followed us..." I say looking out the front window of the ship.

"Appears so... Should we land?" Obi-wan says, raising one eyebrow curiously.

"Yes. We need to hurry on with the mission." Master Qui-gon says.

We land onto the planet and get off the ship to be met with a desert, near a few caves. I put on my desert cloak along with Obi-wan and our masters.

"Do we have contact with the council? I ask, remembering Master Windu's specific and important orders.

Obi-wan goes to the command board of the front of the ship and presses a button multiple times. "No, I'm afraid they must've knocked out our communications."

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