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~49 BBY~

Jade - 

Jade dressed with about 3 layers of clothing on her. Since they were still on Coruscant, she was sweating like crazy, she walked through the city to where the landing platforms were. Quickly finding platform 36 which is where Master Qui-Gon's ship lay. A beautiful Corellian Vegastear, Type 23-A. It was astonishing and compared to Jade, humongous.

The door up to the ship was open so Jade decided to walk in, she had been in it before so she knew where to go. Jade went to the small main living quarters and placed her backpack down, waiting for Obi-wan and Qui-Gon. 

During packing, Jade had gone to the lightsaber crafting room in the Temple and gotten all the pieces she needed to create the lightsaber without the crystal.

Jade laid all the pieces out on the floor and sat down crisscrossed, she looked at all of them, studying each one and making sure they were in order. Jade took a deep breath and closed her eyes, meditating, gathering her mind and body to become one and relaxed.

It was simple, she just imagined the pieces lifting and fitting together, she must've been meditating for five minutes or so because her images eventually seemed real. Jade took one more deep breath before raising her hands from resting on her knees to guide the pieces.

Jade slowly opened her eyes to see every single little piece floating in the air around her. After that, they weren't that hard to keep there. Jade started with the two end piece on the left. The belt ring slowly moved towards main metal frame of the hilt. With a click the metal ring was now attached. Jade smiled delicately at her accomplishment.

Jade didn't even know her surroundings she was so relaxed. Jade knew that Master Qui-Gon and Obi-wan were now on the ship, they had come into the room for a few seconds, then left, not wanting to disturb her.

The ship had then taken off but she didn't really care, she naturally continued on.

Jade then took the Handgrip Attachment and slid it around the metal framework. It fit impeccably, though she still had to screw it in but she couldn't do that using the Force yet, Jade was still new to this. She slowly slide the Inert Power Insulator into the metal hilt frame, it was soft but hard. It blocks out any other energy around the lightsaber itself. Making it so the blade gets all the power and energy needed to be the most powerful.

Jade slowly pushed the metal frame with the pieces connected off to the side and brought the two Power Vortex Rings and placed one around one of the Power Field Conductors. Then in the middle of the Power Field Conductor she placed the Diatium Power Cell which was the main component of the lightsaber.

Jade took another deep breath and connected the other Power Field Conductor piece and other Power Cell piece together, soon connecting the two mixtures of pieces together creating something that would perfectly fit into the metal frame. 

Jade slowly slid the Power conducting piece into the Metal hilt frame. The bottom piece of the lightsaber was done. The Diatium Power Cell and the Primary Crystal Stand was next to connect together. 

Since Jade didn't have the Crystal yet, she didn't start creating the Crystal chamber. She decided to create the upper half, the blade generation, with her hands and then connect all three parts together after she got the crystal.

Jade calmly placed all the pieces on the floor around me and started getting to work on the Blade Generation chamber. Putting all the wiring in correctly.

Jade also put the screws in the Handgrip Attachment to connect it to the metal frame of the hilt along with adding the chrome finish to the metal parts. She was finishing the last part of the Blade Generation when she felt Obi-wan's presence. 

"Do you need something Obi-wan?" Jade asked, putting in the Blade Length adjustment knob. 

"Uhm. We're here." He says, his boyish, nervous little voice ringing into her ears. Jade looked at him, he was dressed in many layers as well with a white jacket in replace of his robes, the braid still hanging long behind his ear and his short hair standing up tall.

Jade never understood why his hair stuck up like that but she never really cared until right then. Right then it made her very curious. Genes maybe? Maybe he styles it like that? Who knows? Jade didn't want to ask because she felt that would've been awkward.

They all exited the ship and suddenly Jade wished she was back in Coruscant. It was snowing and cold, she also wished she had more layers on. For as far as the eye could see it was practically wasteland. Qui-Gon did manage to land them near caves though.

Caves were where they were supposed to look for the crystals. Hoth isn't known for many types of crystals, in fact, any crystals that were not Permafrost crystals were rare on Hoth.

Obi-wan and Jade looked at each other and then at Master Qui-Gon, then they started walking to the nearest ice cave, Master Qui-Gon following behind them for protection. Once Jade and Obi-wan stepped into the cave, the wind stopped and Jade's mind became relaxed.

They then started their search, Master Qui-Gon decided to start meditating on the ice floor while Obi-wan and Jade looked. They searched for about ten minutes unable to find even one crystal and started to think there wasn't any in this cave, so they went back to Master Qui-gon to ask for help. 

"Physically searching the cave isn't going to help, the only thing that will is the Force and you're ability to search the cave mentally." Qui-gon said, continuing to meditate on the floor, his eyes closed and his mind at ease.

Obi-wan's brows furrowed inwards as the confused facial expression set on his face. Jade raised one eyebrow at him and then finally Obi-wan understood what it meant, a silent 'ohh' came from his lips.

Jade couldn't help but chuckle lightly at him. She sat down on the icy cave floor, crisscross with her back straight and her wrists hanging lightly off of her knees, Jade watched Obi-wan as he did the same, closed his eyes and started to take deep breaths, the visible air coming out of his mouth with each exhale he took.

Then Jade's eyes closed and the relaxing started. She focused on thinking of the cave, thinking about all the detail, every single little frost detail. Every mound of snow, everything, was in her mind.

Suddenly a little tiny blue spark appeared in one of the snow mounds in Jade's mind. Her eyes blinked open to see Obi-wan and Master Qui-gon still in meditation.

Jade slowly stood up, trying not to disturb them and then walked over to the snow mound that had the blue spark in it. She dug through the snow a little bit and there it was: the most vibrant light blue crystal Jade had ever seen in her entire life. They have Permafrost crystals at the Temple but none of them were like this one in Jade's mind.

It was small, about maybe about 3 centimeters long and 2 centimeters wide, it was the most beautiful thing she had ever seen, Jade couldn't even imagine how her lightsaber was going to look. But she did know she was going to protect it with her life as it was going to protect hers.

Jade was still sitting there looking at it when Obi-wan walked up next to her, looking at the crystal in awe.

"Did you find one?" Jade asked him but by the disappointed look on his face she gathered that his answer was no.

Jade held the crystal in her hand and studied it carefully. Master Qui-gon placed his hands on both of Obi-wan's shoulders as he stood behind him, "Don't worry, you'll get one, we won't leave until you do."

Jade nodded her head at Obi-wan, "That's right, we won't leave."


My vine: skywalker

s/o to my best friend Grace :-)

I might write another chapter today idk.

love uuuuuu


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