17. Shmi

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~32 BBY~

Jade -

We were walking along when I noticed that JarJar was making noise farther behind us than he should have been. I turned around to see he had gotten in a fight with a Dugg. The Dugg grabbed him by the neck and that's when we started to walk over to him.

Anakin had gotten there first though and told the Dugg off in a different language, I wasn't able to understand what he said but the Dugg walked away back to his seat in a displeased mood.

"Hi." Anakin said to us as we walked up.

"Hi there." Qui-Gon said, slightly confused to what had happened.

"Your buddy here was about to be turned into orange goo, he picked a fight with a Dugg, an especially dangerous Dugg called Sabulba." Anakin says while Qui-gon helps JarJar off the ground.

"Thanks my young friend." Qui-Gon says to Anakin, beginning to walk away, Anakin following alongside us.

Anakin got us some food from a old lady merchant and handed them to Qui-gon, I didn't catch what they were called because I was too focused on what looked like a sand storm coming in.

While Qui-gon put the food in his belt, his lightsaber became visible and Anakin's eyes widened, quickly turning back to the old lady.

"Oh my bones are aching, a storms coming up Ani, you better get home quick." she said to Anakin, giving him a caring smile.

"Do you have shelter?" Anakin asked.

"We'll head back to our ship." I said as we walked away from the merchant.

"Is it far?" Anakin asked once again.

"It's on the outskirts." Padmé said as they walked side by side.

"You'll never reached it in time. Sandstorms are very, very dangerous. C'mon, I'll take you to my place." Anakin said so we followed him to where the homes were.

the were built out of sandstone with doors ever seven feet or so.

The sandstorm started to get harsher by the second and sand was started to get in my eyes. I had to shield my eyes from it as we approached his home.

He pressed the button and the door slid open, letting all of us in.

"Mom, mom I'm home!" Anakin yelled throughout his home.

A lady with dark brown hair came out of one of the rooms and greeted us.

"These are my friends mom." Anakin introduced us.

I smiled, "I'm Qui-gon Jinn. Your son was kind enough to offer us shelter."

"I'm building a robot, do you wanna see?" Anakin asked Padmé before he grabbed her hand and led her into another room.

"I'm Jade, sorry if were intruding." I said to his mom.

"Oh, it's no problem, really. I'm Shmi." She smiled before walking back into the kitchen.

Qui-gon and I sat down at the table and gave each other an uneasy look. There was a strange feeling in the Force here, it was coming from the boy I could sense it.

Qui-Gon then started to get a transmission from Obi-wan so we went into a small alcove in the wall and talked to him.

"The governor that we left back on Naboo sent a transmission to the Queen tell her that she must contact him and that the death toll is catastrophic." Obi-wan explained.

"It sounds like bait to establish a connection trace." Qui-Gon told him.

"But Master, what if it is true? And the people are dying." Obi-wan asked.

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