11. Yinchorri Pt. 4

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~33 BBY~

Jade -

We all stood around a hologram of Master Windu on the dashboard and listen to what he had to say.

"We have found information that there is a fourth moon in the Yinchorri system. We're sending you the coordinates now. We think the Command Center may be located there." Master Windu says.

Master Gallia presses a few buttons and the coordinates appear on the screen, "They've been received."

"Do you have any wounded?" Master Windu asks.

"We have Master Lilit, she's not doing well, her wounds are catastrophic. And... the dead body of Theen Fida..." Master Plo Koon explains.

I sigh, closing my eyes and taking in a deep breath. Obi-wan grabbed my wrist comfortably, using his thumb to rub it until I smiled lightly at him. 

"The Senate is dispatching four Judicial Forces to aid you on your new mission to Uhanayih, the secret moon. For Master Lilit and Theen Fida's sake. I suggest the Padawan bring them back.." Master Windu suggests.

"Including Obi-wan and Jade?" Master Qui-Gon asks, confused.

"Yes... Including them." Master Windu finals.

I clench my teeth angrily before taking a deep breath, "We'll be on our way Master Windu." I say, looking at Obi-wan who also looked slightly annoyed.

Then the hologram shut off. Obi-wan and I walked out to talk to K'Kruhk who was in the back with his master.

K'Kruhk was sitting next to Master Lilit's bedside with his head in his hands, she was unconscious and hadn't been doing any better.

"How's she doing?" I asked K'Kruhk, I placed my hand on his shoulder in comfort.

"She hasn't been doing any better. How do you handle feelings like this?" He asked, looking up at me with tears in his eyes.

I smiled lightly, K'Kruhk was only seventeen and still learning the Jedi ways, "Don't move past them... Learn to use them the right way. If you ever get angry just learn to use it the right way."

I turn back to Obi-wan who still hadn't clean up from the battle, "C'mon, sit on the bed over there." I point to the bed opposite of Master Lilit's.

He rolls his eyes and reluctantly sits on the bed, I grab a wash cloth and put some water on it. Walking over to him, his head was now level with mine since he was sitting, he was much taller than me.

"Jade, you're being paranoid." He says as I clean the dry blood off the cuts on his face.

"If these don't get cleaned they'll get infected." I say, dabbing the cut.

He rolls his eyes again and sighs, "Whatever you say."

I giggle which causes him to laugh slightly.

"Stay still!" I say, sarcastically angry-like.

He laughs, his deep voice very noticeable in his laugh.

I finally finished and put the wash cloth, now covered in blood down on the counter and picked up the gel bacta.

Bacta was usually a liquid that we would put in tanks and then put the wounded in to heal them, they also had a gel to help with small wounds like cuts to help them not turn into scars.

I rubbed it into his cuts and then set it down, "All better." I smile.

"You're so weird." He laughs.

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