18. Mechanics

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~32 BBY~

Jade -

I had told Obi-wan of the plan, he obviously had his doubts and so did I.

He contacts Qui-gon through the transmitter, "Jade told me about the plan, Master what if this plan doesn't work? We could be stuck here a very long time."

"Well, it's too dangerous to call for help and a ship without a power supply isn't going to get us anywhere. And... There's something about this boy.." Qui-Gon ends the transmission after that.

"What does he mean, something about this boy?" Obi-wan asked.

"Well... Everytime I was around him it was this weird feeling, he's stronger with the Force than anyone I've ever met." I explained, "It was... almost intoxicating." I describe.

"That is strange, I'm going to meditate, care to join me?" Obi-wan asked.

I shook my head, "I'm going to see what I can do about the repairs on the ship." I walked over and took the wrench from his hands.

"You have fun with that, join me anytime you'd like if you can't figure anything out." Obi-wan said, leaving the room.

I walked over to where the power generator had been placed on the ground and crawled underneath it to get a good look at it. I spent hours trying to figure it out for all I know. Eventually I went to join Obi-wan to meditate when it started to get dark outside.

I sat down on the floor next to him and closed my eyes, connecting with the Force and letting it flow through me.

We were soon interrupted by a transmission from Qui-gon.

"Obi-wan?" He asked.

"Yes, Master?" Obi-wan asked as we walked to the cockpit.

"I need you to analyze this blood sample I'm sending over." Qui-Gon asks.

"Got it." Obi-wan said, letting the screen scan through the blood sample.

"I need a midichlorian count." Qui-Gon said and I raised one eyebrow.

Suddenly, the results popped up on the screen and I was shocked, "The readings are off the chart. Over twenty-thousand." Obi-wan told him.

I stepped back slightly, "That's not possible.." I mumbled.

"Not even Master Yoda has a midichlorian count that high." Obi-wan says, still shocked.

"No Jedi has." Qui-Gon says.

"What does that mean?" I ask Qui-gon.

His response was vague, "I'm not sure..."

The transmission then turned off, my jaw was still hanging open. "There's no way.. Twenty-thousand?" I questioned, "That's over my count.." I mumbled the last part, hoping he wouldn't hear it.

"What's your count?" He asked.

"Huh?" I said, pretending to be confused.

"You were shocked that it was more than yours?" He asked.

"Oh.... Right. You see, I've never met anyone with a higher midichlorian count than me." I said, putting my hand on my neck.

"Nobody? Even Master Yoda?" He asked me, shocked.

I nodded, "Even Master Yoda?"

"So you're more powerful than Master Yoda?" Obi-wan asked me.

"Well, Master Yoda has had nine hundred years to learn his abilities, he'll always be more powerful than me in that sense, but yes, technically." I explained.

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