14. Naboo

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~32 BBY (Start of TPM)~

Jade -

I was walking with Obi-wan and Qui-gon, leaving for the mission i was accompanying them on. The Trade Federation had created a blockade outside of Naboo and we were supposed to be ambassadors for the Senate since we have training to deal with things peacefully whereas a senator could declare war.

"Still can't believe you passed the Trials before me." Obi-wan chuckles quietly, Qui-gon and I look at him and roll our eyes.

"It probably about time I tell you that Jedi are supposed to be humble Obi-wan." I say, putting on my hood as we enter the ship.

He then rolled his eyes at me, and we both laughed a bit before Qui-gon eyed us down. He was always so serious, I guess that was the difference between Master Fisto and him.

The two pilots took off towards Naboo and we sat in silence most of the way there. I could tell Obi-wan was slightly upset about me taking the Trials before him so I put my hand on his shoulder and smiled at him.

I was twenty-five and so was he, we had been with out masters for over ten years and half that time we were being trained to not form attachments. 

Attachments led to paranoia and paranoia somehow led to hate and hate led to suffering, Master Yoda could tell you the whole thing off the top of his head.

That was the only thing I didn't like about the Jedi, we were told to have compassion yet at the same time, no forming attachments. 

Attachments were good in my mind, they gave you something to fight for, something to live for.

We jumped out of hyperdrive and saw the blockade, blocking us from the planet of Naboo. Tons of space stations sat around, floating in the air.

"Captain, tell them we wish to board immediately." Qui-Gob says, both him and Obi-wan now putting on their hoods.

"How does the chancellor know that we can trust the Trade Federation? How do we know we won't be killed when we step on board?" Obi-wan asks.

I giggled at the question and I looked straight into his piercing pale green eyes, "We don't."

His eyes widened slightly, "I've got a bad feeling about this." He says, looking at the space station as we land inside the blast shields.

 We walked off the ship, keeping quiet as we walked to the sliding doors built into the wall. We waited until they opened and then we were greeted by a droid.

"I'm TC-14, at your service. This way please." The silver human-like droid spoke before leading the way down the hall. Everything looked very mechanical and it was giving me an erie feeling.

Obi-wan and I were walking behind Qui-gon when Obi-wan whispered to me, "Are you getting the same weird feeling about this place?"

I leaned over to him, "Yeah, I don't like it at all."

We were lead into a room with a table and some windows, it was obviously a meeting place for us and the leaders of the Trade Federation.

"We are greatly honored by your visit, ambassadors. Make yourself comfortable, my Master will be with you shortly." The droid says before walking out of the room, leaving us three there in silence.

We remove our hoods, Obi-wan says what he once again said on the ship.

"I have a bad feeling about this." Obi-wan says while I sit down at the table and cross my legs.

"I don't sense anything, what about you Jade?" Qui-Gon asks as they walk over to the windows together.

"It seems a little creepy, that's all." I say, shrugging my shoulders.

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