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People kept entering my house and started to measure me. A lady came up to me and read the rules to me. I wasn't supposed to mess with other contestants, I couldn't bring anything that I owned, I wasn't allowed to have any romantic relationship while I was at the palace, If I were to leave then I would leave with all the dresses and jewelry that I have received, and other boring rules. I signed my name in every paper they handed me and then they all left. They told me to get ready because they would pick me up at 5:00 pm. It was 12:00 pm right now, maybe it was best if I could say goodbye to everyone since I would be leaving soon.

I hugged my two best friends and promised them that I would write letters since cell phones are forbidden from the palace. They were so happy for me and they kept saying that the prince will love me and that I would become their next queen and things like that. I rolled my eyes at that and thought about that. I don't think I like the prince, I still like Luke even though he broke my heart. It will be very hard to forget him but I mean I will eventually move on and this is supposed to help me. I left the house with Thalia and Clarisse to go get some coffee and we just happened to stumble upon Luke.

"Annabeth!" He said and walked to me. I gave him a mad look and looked away.

"Lets get coffee somewhere else" I said to Thalia and Clarisse.

"Annabeth please can we talk?" He said looking at me. I rolled my eyes and I nodded slowly. I told Thalia and Clarisse to meet me at the park.

"Look Annabeth what you saw was not what it looked like. She kissed me but I didn't kiss her back.You have to believe me." He said pleading. I looked at him shocked that he lied to me. I saw when he leaned in for the kiss.

"Look Luke I don't want anything to do with you anymore. I'm leaving later in the afternoon because I'm in the selection now. Now I'm competing to be the Prince's future wife so please leave me alone. I don't want to see you ever again." I said to him then left without saying a word. I reached the park and I started to cry, Thalia and Clarisse comforted me. We spend a long time talking, about 3 hours to be exact, about the prince. He seemed okay but I have only seen him twice. One time in the parade and the second time on his birthday. So I didn't quite know how he looked like,from what I heard he is really hot but I don't know.

As my watch struck 5 I left the park and went home and saw the people wait for me and ran to say good bye to my family. I saw my dad shed tears and so did my mom. They were super proud of me and with all of our goodbyes said they put me in a car then I left my small hometown in California and went to Angeles where the palace is.

The 4 hour car ride was a little...no it was HORRIBLE. We got to the palace and tons of girls were there. They all led us to a huge room where they started to give make overs to all of us. I walked around and once they called my name they sat me in a stool and they curled my hair and they put me in a beautiful blue dress and they did my make up. Not very heavy because I had asked them not to do heavy make up. After I was done they led me into a room filled with others girls, i didn't have any friends here so I decided to go talk to a girl with brown choppy hair that was super pretty.

"Hi, my name is Annabeth. What's yours?" I said. She looked at me and smiled

"My name is Piper. Nice to meet you." We shake hands. She seemed pretty nice, I think we are going to become close friends. Piper and I got to know each other for a couple of minutes. We talked about each other and our families. After a couple of hours, a couple of maids came into the room and led us to our rooms. As they led each girl to their room, we got to see the palace and its beautiful summer colors. There were 50 girls in the palace so this took a while. I was last since I was from around the area. Piper's room was close too, she was from around here too apparently Alaska didn't want to participate in the selection so they choose two candidates in California. Me and Piper. Her dad is a famous movie star.

The Selection (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now