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Hey there weirdos!


My internet is finally back up so now I can update it. I also want to thank all of you who comment, I read every single comment and it makes me smile.

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 18K, like TBH I thought this story wouldn't go this far but this has made me really happy.

Also I havent been active as much because I just came back from Dance Camp. It was so much fun!

Okay, I'm gonna leave Thanks for tbe Memories by FOB because I want to thank all of you who read this story.

Okay now the awaited chapter starts....now


I hesitate as I walk outside. Ever since the rebel lockdown there have been 2 guards around me all the time. It's getting a bit annoying. They follow me everywhere I go.

I smile as I breathe in fresh air and listened to the birds. I've been spending a lot of time outside lately. The gardens seem to relax me. I love it out here. I usually come alone (plus those two guards) because Piper doesnt want to leave the palace. Some excuse about how the humidity makes her hair frizzy.

I sit under a beautiful willow tree and watch as the flowers danced as the wind blew by. I close my eyes and just relax. I've  been having nightmares the past days mostly about the rebels. I usually end up dead in those dreams but sometimes Percy was the one who died. I woke up in tears each time that nightmare came back. The memories of each nighmare seem to fade away and were replaced by the sound of the wind and birds.

"Hey Wise Girl" I open my eges and smile as I hear Percy's voice.

"Hey Seaweed Brain. What are you doing out here?" I ask as he sits down next to me.

"Avoiding my dad" He says looking at me.

I look at him concerned. Percy always had a good relationship with his dad.

"What happened?" I ask grabbing his hand.

Percy held my hand and have it a squeeze "Well he and I got into an argument. We got this letter from the rebels saying to refuse the crown and if I don't they'll kill someone whom I love very much. We were coming up with solutions and my dad wants tbe selection to end earlier and make me king sooner. I refused because I'm not ready to be king yet. He got mad and then we started arguing. Mom came in just in time to break the argument off, she told me to go outside and clear my mind. But the fact that my dad wanted me to become king still bothers me. Will I make a good king? What if I screw up? What if the people don't like me as their king?" He says with a sigh.

"First of all, Percy you need tl stop doubting yourself. You are going to make a great king. One that will be remembered for years. So what if you screw up? People make mistakes all the time, just because you're king doesn't mean you can't make mistakes. Also, the people love you Percy. They want you to be their king. They want you to lead them and protect them."  I said as I gave his hand a squeeze.

Percy looks at me and smiles "You think I'll make a good king?"

I nod "Absolutely"

Percy smiles and kisses my cheek "You always know how to make me feel better"

I smile and lean on his shoulder. He lets go of my hand and wraps his arm around around me pulling me closer to him. We sat there holding each other for a while, we talked about other random things.

"I'm sure you did" I said with a laugh as he told me a funny childhood story.

"It's true. I ran around the palace with my face covered in blue icing. All the maids giggled and chased after me. Tyson was 3 at the time and he had blue icing on his face as well. We both ran all over the palace until mom caught us" he says with a smile "Those were the good old days"

"I can imagine your mom's face when she saw you two" I say with a laugh.

Percy laughs "She was super mad. We had just taken a shower an hour ago. She gave us a huge lecture on our way to the bathroom" he says

I laugh "that is hilarious"

"Little Percy was such a trouble maker and always seeked adventure" He says with a smile.

I smile and open my mouth to respond but was interrupted by a maid.

"Prince Percy, your father wishes to see you" He says

Percy nods "Tell him, I'll be there"

The maid nods and curtsies and leaves the garden.

Percy stands up and I stood up with. He smiles at me "Thanks for the support Wise Girl. I'll go talk to my dad about being king. I have to end the selection as well. Be ready to say yes, when I propose to you Wise Girl" He says

My eyes widen and I stand there not knowing what to say. 

Percy laughs at my reaction and gives me a quick kiss and leaves.

What just happened?

Did Percy just say that he was going to propose to me? Oh my gods.

I start to smile as I came to realize that he was going to propose to me. That meant I was going to become Queen. Oh gods

I sit back down and smile like crazy replaying the moment over and over again. I close my eyes and begin to imagine what it would be like to be Percy's wife.

I snap open my eyes as I hear a bush moving. I get up and look at the bush to find that no one is there. I felt like someone was watching me. I shake my head and began to walk back inside the palace. Once I was inside, I walked to the woman's room. Piper was sitting on the couch listening to some music but crying quietly. I walked over to her and sat on the couch.

"Piper whats wrong?" I ask her

Piper stopped her music and looked at me and hugged me "Jason and I broke up" She says sobbing.

"Why? What happened?" I ask concerned and feeling a bit mad at Jason.

"Well he met up with me and he told me that people were starting to suspect that he was dating a selected. The comander of the guards told him if the rumor was true he woulf lose his job and he was going to be punished and then he would be banished from the castle. He broke up with me to save me from going through the same things" She cried "Annabeth, I love Jason and it hurts that I can't be with him. He told me he loved me as well"

I hug her tight "Piper it's alright. I'm going to talk to Jason then to Percy"

"But if you tell Percy then Jason and I will be punished" She says crying

"No way am I going to let that happen. You two will be alright. I'll talk to Percy and I'm sure we can prevent that" I say still hugging her.

Piper pulls away and wipes her tears and nods.

"Now stop crying because I have some great news tha would probably make you wanna scream and fangirl" I say with a laugh

Piper looks at me curious and a bit excited "What is it?"

I lean into her ear and whisper "Percy is going to propose to me soon"

I pull back and see Piper smiling like crazy.

"Oh my gods, Oh my gods! That's great, I have been waiting for this moment for a while. I can't believe it's actually happening"  She says fangirling "I have to start organizing your wedding and the dresses. Oh so much to do...."

I laugh as Piper continues to ramble on "Woah there Piper. He hasn't proposed yet so calm down"

"But I have to start planning" Piper pouts

I laugh " Don't worry you will, just not yet okay?"

She nods and smiles "This is so exciting. I wonder what he will say"

I smile "Probably something stupid but cute"

Piper laughs "I think so too"


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Your comments always bring a smile to my face, so please comment!

Now gotta get ready to start writting chapter 18

Until Next Time.....

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