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I rubbed my eyes as I tried to stay awake. Piper and I have been working on our project all night, but we still couldn't figure out what to do with the music.

"Maybe we could sing?" I suggested. Piper looked at me and thought about it.

"That doesn't sound that bad. We need to pick out a couple of songs. I have some written down here somewhere" She says while moving papers around. I get up from my desk and grab a guitar and started playing my favorite song "Back to you" by Twin Forks. I sit down on my bed and started playing it and singing.

"I was young so I forgot, which was my place and which was not. Thought i had a good shot, i took it right in my eyes.."

Piper shot up and joined me "Look ahead, look behind, take another, i don't mind. I, oh , I , Oh"

"Follow the signs, right back to you, back to you , back to you. I know they wind right back to you, back to you." We stopped singing and I stopped playing. We smiled at each other and laughed.

"You know Back To You by Twin Forks?" I said. Piper nodded and said "Of course, It's one of my favorite songs"

Piper and I agreed that we were both going to sing that song at the party. We also found this awesome band that plays a lot of traditional music. Piper and I thought It would be nice to have a photo booth so at the party everyone could take pictures. We did more planning for about 2 more hours then we called it a night. Once Piper left, I went to sleep.

I woke up to the sound of my maids. I rubbed my eyes open and got out of bed. I went to my vanity and brushed my hair and turned around to look at my closet. My maids had left me with this really cute yellow dress and some yellow heels. I changed into the dress and put on the heels and put a yellow head band on my hair and left for breakfast. Once I got there, Percy looked at me and smiled. I walked around to where Piper was and saw he still kept looking at me. I blushed and sat down next to Piper.

"Hey" Piper said as I sat down.

"Hey, wanna go to the Library after breakfast?" I asked her. She shook her head.

"Sorry, I can't" She then whispered "Jason and I are going on a date today after breakfast"

"Oh my gods, that awesome! Have fun on your date." I said whispering. Piper smiled at me and went back to eating her eggs. This morning we were having eggs and bacon......YES! I LOVE eggs and bacon. As I was eating and having small talk with Lucia, I caught Percy looking at me. I flashed him a smile, and he smiled back. Once I was done eating, I left the dinning room and headed straight to the Library.


The clock struck 3. I didn't even realize I spend so much time here. I walked out of the Library only to see Luke in the hallway. I paused and turned around and went the other way. I fast walked until I didn't see Luke. I looked around and I didn't recognize where I was. I saw a door cracked open, I peeked in and see someone sitting on their bed drawing, they didn't have a shirt on which was very distracting. The more I watched, the more I realized that the person drawing was Percy. I blushed and slowly walked away. As I was walking away I heard a voice.

"I saw you Annabeth" I blushed and silently cursed. I turn around and open the door. I curtsied and smile at him. It very hard to concentrate when he doesn't have a shirt on. UGH!

"Sorry to eavesdrop Percy, I got lost in the Palace and found myself here." I said shyly. He chuckled lightly and patted the spot next to him on his bed. I sat down next to him.

"It's okay, I was just about to go look for you. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to spend the evening together. Do you want to?" He asked looking at me. I smiled and my inner fangirl started screaming.

"I would love that, sure" Percy seemed happier after I said that. I look over at his drawing and gasp. It's beautiful...it's a picture of the garden.

"Percy this is really good!" I say looking at it. Percy smiles.

"Thanks, I just finished it and I was going to hang it up in my room." Percy gets up and I can't keep my eyes off his chest. I shake my head and focus on his eyes. He walks up to a spot on the wall and makes a square out of his fingers.

"I think this is a perfect spot to put it. Don't you think?" He says looking back at me. I nod and grab the drawing and put it on the wall.

"It looks perfect, right here Percy."

"Think so too." Percy grabs the drawing from my hand and puts it at his desk.

"So, what do you want to do?" I ask him. Percy looked surprised, I wonder if he was ever asked that question.

"Well, we could go outside or we could watch a movie? Which one do you prefer?" He asks.

"Which one do you prefer?" I ask him, he thought about it then went to his drawer and grabbed a shirt and put it on.

"I'm thinking about watching a movie. The Outsiders maybe?" He says as we walk out of his room.

I laugh and nod. The Outsiders is one of my favorite movies, Sodapop is my favorite. As we were walking down the hall on our way to the screening room, Percy and I talked about our favorite things. He seemed so happy at that moment but what happened next was something no one expected.


I woke up in a bed, a wet towel was on my forehead. As I opened my eyes, I see Percy standing in a corner. His face was all scrached and his clothes had blood all over them. Once he saw me he rushed to me and kissed me.

"Are you all right, I thought I lost you." He says. He was about to cry but held his tears back.

"I'm fine what happened?" I said looking at all the people in the room. Piper, Jason, Reyna, Rachel, and Luke were here. I looked at my surroundings and realized we were in a safe room.

"The rebels attacked us. The blew up sections of the Palace and they blew up the section we were in. I don't know how they got in, but the blast hurt both of us. You fell to the floor and you had a huge cut on your forehead it was bleeding a lot. I had some injuries too but they weren't as bad as yours. I carried you to the nearest safe room after what happened. I don't know if all the girls made it to the safe rooms. I'm just praying they did." Percy said looking so sad. I reached and grabbed his hand.

"Its okay, I'm okay and the other girls are probably fine. I know Lucia and she sure would have made it to the safe room near her room."

Percy sighed and I sat up in the bed. I look towards Piper and see that she is crying but Jason is comforting her. Reyna kept looking at her finger nails. Rachel played with her fingers. I could hear the sound of gun shots, and screaming. I wiped away tears that were falling on my face. Percy saw the tears on my face and wiped them away and hugged me. He then went to talk to the other girls. He hugged every single one of them and told them everything was fine. After a couple of minutes, the gun shots seemed to fade and the palace was silent. A radio inside the safe room announced that it was safe to come out now. I got up and walked to my room.

It was a mess. Everything was on the floor, there was some blood on my walls and bullet holes. I sighed and started cleaning up. I couldn't do anything about the bullet holes but I was able to wash out the blood on the walls. I cleaned my room and then headed to bed and slept the night away.  

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