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Quick A/N: OMG I LOVE YOU GUYS 1.1K? I CAN'T BELIEVE IT! Thank you so much to all of you who have read my story and have supported me! This is for all of you who want an update, this is my gift to you. Hope you enjoy! 

Lets get on with the story shall we?


A loud bell ringed echoed through the hallway. It was now 7:00, I sighed and entered the ballroom. Music and chatter filled my ears. People were laughing and dancing along to the music. I smiled people loved our entertainment. Piper and I are going to sing later on but not right now. Piper saw me and smiled and waved at me.

I walked to her "Hey Piper, people are really having fun!"

Piper smiled and nodded "I know, we are great party planners. I'm going to start planning your wedding after this."

I laughed and smiled at her. Jason came over to us and asked Piper if she wanted to dance with him. Of course she would say yes, I mean come on! They're dating. I walked to one of the tables that was free and sat down. I was sitting alone until someone sat in front of me.

"Hello there, I'm Princess Natalia" She smiled at me. I studied her, she was beautiful. She was wearing a dark red dress and brown hair was in curls and filled with jewels.

"Pleasure to meet you, your majesty. I'm Annabeth" I said smiling at her. Her eyes widen and she says "Oh so you're the Prince's favorite, he's been talking about you all night"

I blush and smile "I don't think I'm his favorite, we just know each other well."

Princess Natalia laughs "Okay then"

"How are you enjoying the party, your majesty?" I asked. She smiled

"Very good actually, I haven't had this much fun since my brother's party"

I smiled and she sat down and we started talking more. Her full name was Natalia Rosa Vitalli. She was 19 years old and she was engaged to the Prince of France. This was her first party with him. She also told me all the fun things she did when she was younger. I laughed when she told me about how she tried to make pasta and ended up pouring flour all over herself. I caught Percy looking at me, I smiled at him. He smiled back and walked over to us.

"Good Evening you majesty" He said bowing to Princess Natalia. "And good evening to you M'lady" Percy said kissing my hand. I smiled and blushed

"Percy I could see you looking at me from a mile away. I didn't see you as a stalker seaweed brain." I laughed.

Percy stuck out his tongue "I wasn't stalking you. I was just looking at you from afar"

I laughed and smiled "Okay sure seaweed brain."

"Want to dance with me wise girl?" Percy asked, putting his hand out. I took it and nodded. I looked back and Princess Natalia gave me a thumbs up.

A slow song played, Percy brought me closer to him. We were dancing to the music, nothing mattered. It felt like we were the only people there. I put my head on his chest and sighed. We stayed like this for two more songs then he dragged me to the hallway.

"Okay so there is this tradition between Tyson and I. At midnight we have a nerf gun fight. Tyson is hard to beat so I was wondering if you would like to help me" Percy said smiling. I loved when Percy's childish side came out. It one of the many things I loved about him. Wait did I just say that I loved Percy? Oh gods, no this can't be happening. I promised myself I would never love again after what happened with Luke. I look at Percy's eyes, he would never hurt me. I was sure of that. I tucked my love for him away, maybe I could tell him that later on.

I smiled at him "Sure seaweed brain. Tyson is going down"

He smiled at me and told me all about their tradition. The nerf guns were hidden all over the palace and he had a map of where they were. They even made up rules! I was trying to understand all of this because I really wanted to play. I took off my high heels and left them on the couch.

"Okay so what's the plan. It's almost midnight" I said while running back to him.

"Okay so at the east wing of the palace, there is table which has a nerf gun. We grab that one first, then we hid in the east hallway. Tyson likes to roam where the east and west hallway connect. After we get that nerf gun, we go to the west wing and grab a nerf gun from the couch. Then we fight him in the connection hallway." Percy says explaining.

"Okay wait what happens if we get shot?" I ask.

"You lose a life, we have three and if you lose all three we lose. The loser has to do whatever the other person wants. We better win because I don't want to do Tyson's laundry again" Percy said laughing.

I smiled "Okay let's do this" I grabbed my dress and ran with Percy. We were running to the east wing until the Queen sees us.

"Damn it" Percy says whispering "Hello mother" he says.

"Perseus, be careful I don't want you getting hurt. Also" She looked at us "Good luck beating Tyson"

"Thanks Mom, we will be careful. Now we have to go before midnight" Percy says and grabs my hand and runs. I pass the Queen and smile at her and she just gave me a thumbs up.

We arrive at the east hall and Percy looks around and finds a small coffee table and looks under it. "Found ya!" He pulls out a nerf gun. He gives it to me "Here you go M'lady"

I grab it "Thank you kind sir" I smile. Then we both run to where the east hall and west hall connect and sure enough Tyson is there getting ready. I look at a clock and Midnight is two minutes away, We pass Tyson undetected and run to the west wing. Percy runs to the purple couch and puts his hand under the couch and grabs the nerf gun down there.

"Okay Wise girl we are ready" He said and we ran back to where the east hall and west hall connect. We see Tyson and he smirks "Okay let the games begin. We have 1 minute to run and hide. When the clock strikes 12, the games begin. May the best shooter win" He said taking out his hand. I shook it and Percy did too.

"Be prepared to lose, Tyson" I said crossing my arms.

"We will see Annabeth" Tyson says smirking. Then he bolted and we ran the oposite way.

We were in the west hall and Percy hid behind a chair. I hid behind a wall. "Okay Percy what's the plan?"

"Okay so Tyson likes to shoot and run. We will use that to our advantage, we can outrun him before he recharges his nerf gun" Percy says whispering.

I nod and I hear the clock strike 12. I get in my position, I smile at Percy and give him a thumbs up and he smiles at me and gives me a thumbs up back.

Okay let's do this, Let the games begin! You are so going down Tyson!   

A/N: I kinda feel like Tyson would look like this

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A/N: I kinda feel like Tyson would look like this. 

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