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Hey there Weirdos! 

Sorry I took so long to update. I looked at my screen for two hours trying to come up with the chapter. I've been having a little bit of writer's block but I have some ideas so be prepared. 

I'll leave this video of  Iceland from Hetalia. I love this anime so much!!!

Okay here's the chapter.

I smile as Piper passed me the bread. Piper and I were having a little picnic inside the woman's room since we couldn't do it outside. We were talking about the most random things and talking about our families.

"So this one time Leo decided to prank Lucy and I, so he decided to drop water balloons on us but he tripped on a rock and the bucket of water balloons fell on him." She says with a laugh.

I chuckle slightly "That kind of seems like Leo"

Piper nods "He's a big prankster"

We kept talking a little bit more until Lucia came up to us and sat next to me. She joined our conversation and laughed with us when I told the story about how Bobby slipped and fell on a Lego. As I told the story, I started feeling a little bit homesick. Our conversation was cut short as a maid hurried in and told all of us inside to head into our rooms.

Piper, Lucy, and I stand up confused but walk to our rooms. Right before we reached our rooms Lucy stopped and faced us.

"Before we walk into our rooms, I wanted to say goodbye to both of you and to wish you good luck" She says

I look at her confused "What do you mean? Where are you going?"

"I talked with Prince Percy last night and asked him if I could leave. I'm not ready for all of this and after Reyna's death I realized that I could die next. Also I'm super homesick and I want to go home. So I'm leaving tonight, thanks for being my friends." She says with a smile

Piper and I look at her and smile. We both say our goodbyes and hug her. Lucia then went inside her room and left Piper and I alone in the hallway.

"So have you told Percy about you and Jason's relationship?" I ask as we walk towards our rooms.

Piper shakes her head "No I haven't. I'm scared that if I do, something might happen to Jason and I"

I roll my eyes "Nonsense, nothing is going to happen to you and Jason. I'll make sure nothing happens to you. You should tell him though, honesty is the best policy"

Piper nods "I'll tell him soon" She says as she stops at her bedroom door. We say our goodbyes and she walks inside her bedroom.

I walk a little further until I see my bedroom door. I stop right in front of it and grab the doorknob. Just as I was about to head inside, I heard Tyson calling my name.

"Annabeth!" Tyson shouts down the hallway.

I turn around and see Tyson. I wave at him "Hey Tyson, what's up?"

"Nothing, I just came to check that you were in your room" He says "It seems that you're not there yet, you should head inside. We are in a rebel lock down. The guards saw a couple of rebels near the palace so we need you to head to your room for safety. If the rebels ever get into the palace then you know where the safe room is right?" He asks

I nod "Head there. If you hear the alarm going off then head to the safe room" he says

"Okay, i'll head to my room now. Also if you get the chance, tell Percy to come see me" I say while opening my bedroom door.

"Yeah sure, I'll tell him that. Stay safe Annabeth" He says as he runs off.

I nod and close my door. My maids rush to see me and change me into comfortable clothes. After I changed clothes, I hop into my bed and grab my laptop. I started watching Ouran High School Host Club, which is one of my favorite animes.


I jump from my bed as I hear thunder. I look outside and see that it's raining hard. I close my balcony doors, so water doesn't get inside. I hop back into my bed and continue watching anime.


Percy's POV (You didn't see this coming did you?)

I sat on my bed looking through my old photo albums. I laugh at all the pictures my mom took of me when I was a toddler. I put the photo album down and watch how the rain hit the pathway outside. I'm tired of these rebels, I don't know how to deal with them anymore. I'm worried that they would hurt my family or they would kill another selected.

I look at a picture I took with Annabeth and smiled. I took it when we went on our picnic date. That was such an awesome day. I put the picture on a frame and put it on my nightstand. I grab my laptop and started playing games on it.

"Your highness?" I hear my butler say.

"Yes?" I say and continue playing games on my laptop.

"You're father has requested to see you. He's in his study right now" He says and I sigh and close my laptop.

"Okay, I'll head over there" I say and walk out of my bedroom.

I head down the hallway and walk by Annabeth's room and hear her laugh.

"Honey Senpai is adorable" I hear her say. I chuckle at that and kept walking. She must be watching anime again.

I walk down the hallway and stop in front of my father's study. I knock on the door.

"Come in" I hear my father say

I walk in and close the door behind me. "You wanted to see me father?"

He nods "Yes, the guards outside found a letter. It's addressed to you." He says and hands the letter to me "Here take a look"

I grab the letter and open it.

Prince Percy,

We will make this nice and clear. Give up your crown or else Lady Annabeth dies. We've heard from some spies that you've taken a liking to her. If you care about her then you wouldn't want her to die, would you? We will give you two weeks to give up your crown, if you don't then we will kill Annabeth. Your choice

I freeze as I read the letter. What am I going to do now?  

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Until Next time.....

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