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Hey there weirdos! (Thats what i'm going to start every A/N now on, or if you have any other suggestion then comment on this sentence) 

I'm sorry I haven't updated in a while, this took forever to write. I'm still very unsure about it but I like it. Also DIDN'T ANYONE ELSE HAD A FANGIRL ATTACK IN THE LAST CHAPTER? I SURE DID WHEN I WAS WRITING IT. 


Okay I'll leave in the top Phil is not on fire 7, just cauz. :) 

Okay here is the anticipated Chapter and it starts......now


I woke up to the sound of my maid yelling at me to get up. I rubbed my eyes open and look at Amanda.

"Five more minutes" I say yawing and putting my head on my pillow but my head hitting my mattress.

"You need to get up Annabeth, today you are having tea with the queen. She has requested to see you today" Amanda says.

My eyes shot open and I sat up quickly "What? Really?"

Amanda nods and picks up my pillow which was on the floor "Yes really. So get up so we can get you dressed. I picked this sea green sundress and some wedges for you to wear today."

I get up and head to the bathroom and take a bath. As I was taking a bath, I kept wondering why the queen requested to see me. Maybe it's to send me home, she probably doesn't like me. Oh gods, I'm making scenarios in my head. I should stop. I get out of the bath and my maids dress me into the beautiful sea green sundress and they curl my hair.

"You look amazing Annabeth" Ruby says smiling at me. Her frizzy hair was in a bun today which made her freckles more visible.

I smile at her and say "Thank you Ruby. You look amazing as well."

Her smile widens and she goes off to do some laundry. I smile at her cute ways. Sometimes I wish she had someone of her age in this huge palace, she wouldn't get so lonely that easily. Once my maids finished doing my hair, I slipped on my wedges and left my room.

I walked down the hallway into the dining room where breakfast was happening. Piper looked at me and smiled and waved me over to where she was sitting.

"Hey there Annabeth, how are you?" She asks grabbing an apple.

"I'm good Piper, you?" I ask looking at a plate of pancakes placed in front of me.

"I'm great, Jason and I have been talking a lot about our relationship" She says quietly.

I look at her concerned "Is there something wrong?"

"No, nothing. It's just I have been very nervous about being caught. I don't want to leave the palace and I heard there are terrible consequences" She says quietly.

"Don't worry, everything will work out in the end" I tell her, touching her hand to make her know she has my full support.

Queen Sally walked in talking to Tyson who has rolling his eyes at his mother. It looks like she was scolding him, I laughed softly. All of the selected stood up as King Poseidon and Prince Percy walked in. Once we were able to sit down again, I grabbed a couple of grapes and set them on my plate.

The King stood up "Ladies, today you will either have tea with me or the Queen. We just want to get to know you better since the group of girls is getting smaller."

The Queen nodded "Don't be nervous girls, it's just going to be a lovely chat. Nothing too serious"

I look at Piper and she smiles at me, she doesn't seem too nervous about the chat with the King or the Queen. I looked at all the other selected. Rachel seemed to be calm about it and she smiled at the fact she was going to be able to talk to them. Reyna seemed to have a confident look on her face, like this was nothing to her. Lucia was the one who had worry all over her face. She was looking down at her food and wasn't even touching it.I touched Lucia's arm and said

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