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Hey There Weirdos! 

Guess who kinda felt bad because they left a cliffhanger last chapter...

I decided to not leave you guys hanging so I wrote chap 19 for you guys. I hope you like it :) 

So double update :), tbh this is probably the only time i'll do this. 

On top is the song Paradise by Coldplay because who doesn't love Coldplay?

Okay now for the chapter you have all been waiting for....


Percy's POV (This chap will be mostly in his POV bc He's awesome) 

"How come?" I ask concerned 

"Well..." He hesitates and whispers "Because she's a selected" 

My eyes widen and I look at Jason "It's Piper isn't it?" 

He nods and looks at me "How did you know? and also are you mad?" He asks 

"I could tell. You two would look at each other for quite a long time and no I'm not mad. I'm quite happy that you found someone, I'm just worried now" I say quietly and looking around to see if we were in fact alone. 

"I know about the rule, that's why I ended things with her. I don't want anything to happen to her. Giving us space will protect us both. I just really wish we could be together" He says sadly 

I nod and put a hand on his shoulder "Don't worry you and Piper will be together, I'll make sure of that. You both just have to be cautious, I'll make sure my father doesn't find out about your relationship. I don't want the punishment to happen to both of you. You both have to hang in there until I become King then you both can freely date without no worries. Jason you're like a brother to me, you know I would do anything for you. So trust me when I say, you can be with your girl. I'm going to make sure nothing happens to you guys" I say and Jason pulls me into a hug 

"Thank you so much Percy. You're like a brother to me as well. You don't know how happy this makes me" He says 

I chuckle and smile. I get out of the hug and say "Well what are you waiting for? Go get your girl" 

Jason smiles and nods and runs off to find Piper. I chuckle and turn around to find Annabeth smiling at me. 

"Stalking me are we?" I say with a smirk 

She rolls her eyes "You wish. I heard everything you said to Jason. Didn't take you to be such a sweetheart" 

I smile and shrug "Well know you know one more thing about me. Jason has been my best friend since he was 15 and I was 16. We're pretty close, he has gotten me out of trouble so now it's my turn." 

Annabeth smiles "That's really sweet Seaweed Brain. I'm actually really happy that Jason went to find her. Piper is going to be so happy" She says 

I nod "Yeah. Both of them are going to be very happy. So Wise Girl did you accidentally come here or did you come to find me?" 

"I came to find you. I want to talk to you about something" She says 

I nod "Okay. What is it?" 

"Can we talk about it outside. I don't want anyone to hear it. It's a bit important" She says 

I nod and we both walk outside. We sit under the willow tree and I look at her worried "What's going on? What did you need to talk to me about?" 

She takes a deep breath "Rachel is a spy" 

I look at her confused "What do you mean spy?" 

"She's working for the rebels. Piper and I were walking back from dinner and we overheard a conversation between Rachel and a stranger. She said that they were going to have the "Plan" executed earlier. By the way they were talking about it, It doesn't sound too good. They were also talking about how if you didn't give up your crown they would kill some girl" 

I paled when she said the last part. I decided to ignore that letter and end the selection earlier to protect my crown and my girl. If the rebels are starting to notice that I'm ignoring it then there's going to be a fight. 

"That doesn't sound too good. I'll let the guards know about this so they can keep a close eyes on Rachel. I'll tell my father about the "Plan" the rebels were talking about. It might be an attack or something. In the meantime make sure you lock your windows and door" I say looking at her. I'm worried the rebels are going to hurt her. 

She nods "Don't worry about me, Percy. I'll be fine" 

I sighs and shake my head "I will always worry about you Annabeth, whether you like it or not. I love you and I don't want anything to happen to you" I say and lean closer to her. 

"I love you too Percy but you need to understand that I will be fine. I can protect myself" She says leaning closer to me so that if I leaned an inch more out lips would be touching. 

"I know that but I'll still protect you" I say and look at her 

"And I'll protect you" She says looking at me

I close the gap between us and kiss her passionately. She kissed me back with the same passion. I pull away, so our foreheads were touching. 

"I love you Wise Girl" I say and smile 

She smiles back "I love you too Seaweed Brain" 

A loud bell echoed through the garden and made me realize I had 10 minutes before the budget meeting starts. 

I stand up and she gets up as well. I look at the giant clock to make sure I had 10 minutes before the meeting. I turn back to look at Annabeth "I have to leave. My father wants me to attend to a budget meeting with him" 

She nods "Okay. Try not to sleep in it. I know how much you hate math" She says 

I smile, this is why I love her. "No promises Wise girl, but I'll try. Stay safe, I'll see you later" I say and kiss her forehead.

She nods and kisses my cheek. 

I smile and head inside the palace. That budget meeting is going to be the death of me 

Annabeth's POV 

I smile as I see Percy walking away. He's such a Seaweed Brain. I sigh happily and walk back inside the palace. I walk around the hallway to find Piper with the biggest smile on her face. 

I laugh and walk over to her "Hey Piper" 

She looks at me "Hey Annabeth" 

"What's gotten into you? Last time I saw you, you were all gloomy" I ask 

She smiles and whispers "Well I talked to Jason and we're back together again. This is amazing I'm so happy" She says happily. 

I smile at her "I'm glad you two are back together. I heard Percy talking to Jason about your relationship and he approves" 

She nods "I know, I couldn't believe it when Jason said that. I'm so happy I can't breathe" 

I laugh "Okay but let's make sure you breathe. I don't think Jason would be happy if you stopped breathing" 

She laughs "True. Come on bestie let's walk to the woman's room and you can tell me all about your talk with Percy" She says and head to the woman's room 

"Okay but you need to tell me about your conversation with Jason" I say while following her 

"Of course, let's talk" She says 

I started fangirling when Percabeth kissed.

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Your comments make me smile!

Until Next Time.....

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