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Hey there Weirdos! 

Sorry it took so long but I had to get ready for school and I was having a hard time figuring out what I was going to write. But inspiration hit me and I wrote this chapter all in one day. I hope you guys enjoy it and cry with me as well. 

WARNING: You might want to grab some tissues and a a cup of coffee or tea because this chapter is long and emotional. 

THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 29.6K, I never thought that this book would be liked by so many people. 

Up top is the Chasing Cars by Snow Patrol 

Okay now for the Chapter everyone has been waiting for....

Today is the day, the moment everyone has been waiting for; The choosing ceremony. The moment where all Olympus gets to know who Prince Percy chose as his wife and future Queen. My maids have been so busy making me a gorgeous dress that I have been alone for quite some time. I sat up from my bed and listen to all the noises coming from the hallway. Everyone is decorating the palace for the choosing ceremony. I get up from my bed and walk to the balcony. I would be lying if I didn't say I was nervous, heck I was super nervous. I mean why wouldn't I be, I was going to become the next future Queen of Olympus and I was going to become Percy's wife. Just the thought of being with Percy the rest of my life makes my heart flutter, and I smile like crazy.

"Lady Annabeth?" A voice interrupts my thoughts. I turn around and see Luke standing there in the balcony.

"Hello Luke. What brings you here?" I ask looking at him.

"I came to see how you're doing. Its a big day for you" He says and I can see that he's jealous.

"I'm doing alright. I'm a bit nervous that's all" I say and lean on the railing. Luke walks over and stands next to me.

He looks out at the garden and says "Don't be you'll be fine. Just be yourself, everyone will love you."

I smile and look at him "Thanks Luke"

He smiles back and look out to the garden again. His eyes hold so much sadness, regret, and jealousy. "Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from hurting you. Want I'm trying to say is that I'm super jealous of Prince Percy. Every time I see him holding you, I wish it was me that was holding you. Everytime you say 'I love you', I wish you said it to me and not him. If I went back in time, I would go back and stop myself from kissing that girl, if that never happened I would be the one proposing to you."

I remain quiet as I was speechless. I don't know what to say to make him feel better.

"I know that it's impossible to travel back in time. I regret the moment I kissed another girl. I'm so sorry Annabeth." He says while looking at me

I look at Luke "You hurt me Luke. The moment I saw you kiss another girl, my heart broke in a million pieces. I thought I would never find love again but then Thalia entered me in this selection and I met Percy. He fixed my heart, I was able to love someone again. What I'm saying is that if you never broken my heart, then I would of never met Percy and that's something that I just can't imagine. I forgive you Luke, and I simply believe that our fates weren't interwined, that we would of broken up anyways even if you didn't kiss another girl. Luke you're a great guy, I'm sure you'll find love once again. Stop thinking about the past and start living in the present. There are million of girls living in Olympus, I'm sure the love of your life is there somewhere. You just need to go look for her"

Luke looks at me with a smile on his face "You always know what to say."

I laugh "I learned that from Percy"

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