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I looked at my window as I saw snowflakes falling from the sky. This is very rare here in Angeles, we usually never get any snow. This took my breath away, it's been a two months since what happened with Luke and I try in every way to avoid him. The holidays were coming up, in about a week or so which made me miss home. The sweet scent that came from the kitchen where mom cooks her famous lasagna for Christmas, the laughs of my little brothers playing with their toys, my dad's smile when he sees all of us working together in the kitchen. I miss all of those moments. I miss my family back home, yet Piper and Percy were my family now here. I wiped a tear off my face and changed into a simple day dress. My maids curled my hair and grabbed a head band for me. I grabbed my beige high heels and left the room to look for Piper.

I strolled down the hall ignoring all the looks Reyna kept giving me. Reyna hated me for spending way too much time with Percy. Like...it's not my fault that he doesn't want to hang out with you. I reached Piper's room and knocked on the door. She opened it and walked out.

"Hey let's go to the Women's Room today" Piper said enthusiastically. I simply nodded and followed her. When we entered we saw Queen Sally sitting on the couch and her maids doing her nails. We curtsied and sat on a set of couches near the windows. I looked outside, I caught Piper looking at me weirdly.

"Okay, what's wrong?" Piper asked concerned. I just sigh and look at her.

"I'm just homesick that's all. I miss my family and my friends back at home." I said as I tried to push away all the memories. A loud bang made me snap out of my thoughts, I turned around to the sound. A maid had dropped her tray, she was picking up all the things she dropped. I stood up and helped her pick up all the things, I gave her a smile and she smiled back. Once all the things were picked up, she curtsied at me and left the room. I walked back to where Piper was.

"Don't you miss your home?" I ask curious. I see Piper sigh and shake her head.

"Not really, I never had any siblings or friends back at home. It was just me and my dad. My mother left when I was born so I never met her." She said sadly. I nodded and looked out the window, the garden looked so beautiful covered in a blanket of snow.


I looked around and saw that all the girls were nervous. Percy had called us all down to the Library to talk to us about something. Piper was fanning her face, I gave her a smile.

"You have nothing to worry about. I'm pretty sure it doesn't involve you." I said. I knew she was worried that Percy had found out about her secret relationship with Jason. I'm pretty sure he doesn't. Even though he can be smart sometimes, Percy can be pretty dumb too. Reyna kept giving me evil glares. I shrugged them off because I really couldn't care about what Reyna thought.

Percy walked in with his mother by his side. He seemed happy to see us, he gave us a big smile. He bowed and we curtsied.

"Ladies, I called you here today to announce that we are having some guests over this Christmas. The Italian royal family and the French royal family will be visiting us. We will have a grand celebration, there will be dance lessons each tuesday so you ladies will be ready for the party. Now I have to go and finish some work. My mother will tell you some other important things. I will see you all at lunch." He said and looked at me then left.

Queen Sally gave us a warm smile "This is a very important event for the selection. You girls have to be on your best behavior and make sure you make the Italians and French feel welcome. You will be separated into groups and be given some tasks to accomplish so that the event is successful. Piper and Annabeth both of you will be in charge of the entertainment and music. Reyna, Rachel, and Lucia you ladies will be in charge of the decorations. You will be picking out the flowers and all the christmas decorations. You guys will have all week to work on this. The Party is next tuesday, which is christmas eve." She said. I was so nervous, Piper and I had to come up with something soon. Let's hope all of this turns out fine.   

Sorry this a short chapter. I've had writers block for almost a month now. Please comment and vote! Idk if i should continue it? What do you guys think? 

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