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Percy held me tight as I told him the story. Of course I wasn't stupid enough to mention that Luke was a guard here. Percy looked at me and I could really see that he didn't like me crying. He wiped the tears of my face and said

"It's okay, I'm here. I know you're upset right now but I just want to tell you I really like you and I hate seeing you like this. If that jerk were here I would give him a piece of my mind. He doesn't deserve you Annabeth, you deserve someone who cares about you and loves you. Not some guy who decides to kiss another girl while in a relationship." He hugs me tighter, I look at him and smile. At that moment I forgot all about Luke and just thought about Percy. I lean in and kiss him, and no it's not a kiss on the check like we usually do. This is a real kiss. I felt like a million fireworks just lit up in my stomach. I pulled away so we had our foreheads touching. We were both smiling, in that moment I could feel that we both felt the same way about each other. I looked away and hugged him again.

"Thank you so much for being here Percy. Thanks for listening to my problems." I got out of his arms and went to my mirror and tried make my eyes less bloodshot.

"Your welcome, and if you need me I'll always be here" He said. He looked at his watch "Well I have to leave now, have to finish planning the Christmas Party."

I looked away from the mirror and nodded. We headed to the door and before he left, he kissed me and said "I'll see you later okay?"

"yeah, later Percy" I said as closed the door. I thought about what happened and had a little fangirl attack. Percy and I actually KISSED! TWICE! I think I was a little loud because my maids came into my room and asked if something was wrong. I just laughed and told them I was fine. I looked at the clock that was settled in my nightstand. 6:30. Time really flew by, I mean I went to the library at 4 and left at 5. So Percy and I talked for about an hour and a half. I had to hurry up because I was supposed to meet Piper before dinner. She said she had something important to tell me.

-About an Hour later-

I knocked on Piper's door and she opened it and let me inside. Piper's room looked just like mine except her colors were native american which made her room amazing. My room was all white, I didn't mind that I liked it. 

"Annabeth I need your help" Piper said while fixing her hair.

"What is it Piper?" I asked curious at what Piper had to say.

"You know Jason the guard?" she said. I looked at her "yeah what about him?"

"He asked me out on a date." She said while smiling at me.

"Oh my gods Piper, that's great but not so great at the same time." I said "Piper we can't have relationships here at the palace while in the selection. It's against the rules, we don't know what the consequences for you and Jason if you guys get caught."

Piper looked at me and said "That's why I need your help. Since Percy spends a lot of time with you, I thought you talk to him about Jason and I."

I looked at Piper and widened my eyes "Piper I would never do that because thats basically telling him you are having a relationship in the palace and the consequences are huge. I don't want you to get in huge trouble. What I suggest is to have dates that are small and that don't attract attention to yourself. Percy will eventually find out but I think he'll be okay because Jason is his best friend. Or the other option is to not be in the selection, then you can have all the dates you want."

She looked at me and said "No way am I missing, you and Percy's wedding. I'm staying in the selection and making sure you and Percy end up together because you guys are so perfect for each other. And as for Jason, i'll just be careful when we go on dates so we don't get caught. Now lets get to dinner because I am starving"

I smiled at Piper and nodded. We headed to the dinning room and I sat down next to Rachel who was sitting next to Percy. Piper sat down next to me and started talking to Lucia.  Today we were having steak and vegetables. As I ate I kept trying to forget what happened in the afternoon with Luke. It did not help that he was one of the guards who stood watch in the dinning room. I tried to avoid him and instead looked at Percy. He caught me looking at him and pointed at me and drew a heart in the air with his hands and pointed at himself. Wow such a seaweed brain...XD. I laughed and shook my head and blew him a kiss. He caught it and held it in his heart. I laughed so much at that.

Dinner ended early today since the King and Queen had to go to a meeting. I walked back to my room and changed into my nightgown and fell asleep thinking about the kisses I shared with Percy.

Merry Christmas!  Thanks for reading my story so far, 209 views! this is so awesome thank you guys! Plz vote and comment!   

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