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A/N : I want to thank all of you who have read my story and has voted and commented on it. LOVE YOU ALL! I also want to apologize for having not updating in a while. I have been really busy with school, Track, and Dance. But from now on I will update a chapter every Sunday, so stay tuned for that. 

Lets get on with this anticipated chapter but before we do that....

I'm just going to leave this Gif of my two favorite people.....Jack Johnson is Bae. 

Also I'm going to leave the Phil is not on fire 6 blooper video for all the Phangirls out there! Dan and Phil are my life! 


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I thought it was going to be easy but boy was I wrong! I sighed as I sat down. We beat Tyson but he sure made it a challenge. Nothing I couldn't handle, it was just hard. He used marbles to slow us down and used other things. I thought it was totally unfair but it was legal. Percy was the one distracting him and I was the one who shot him. When we won Percy picked me up and spun me around. I smiled at the thought.

Tyson walked up to me and smiled "Good game, I thought I was going to win but you sure put up a fight"

I smile at him "I thought you were going to win too, until I came up with an amazing plan"

"It was a good plan too, I think you are going to be amazing at making battle plans" He says looking at me.

I look at him intrigued "Really? I never thought about doing those"

"You kinda have to when you're queen" He says.

I roll my eyes "Who says I'm going to be queen?"

He gives me a small smile "You're going to be, trust me"

He gets up and leaves. I get up and walk to the couch where I left my red heels. I put them on and go back to where the party is. As I entered, all eyes were on Piper and Jason. They were dancing to a slow song in the middle of the dance floor. I sighed, they were perfect for each other. While I was looking at them a girl about my age tapped my shoulder and I looked at her. She was about my height and she had beautiful brown hair that went to her middle back and had beautiful brown eyes.

"You're Annabeth right?" She asks and I nod

"Okay good. I'm Princess Danielle" She says and I smiled at her

"Please to meet you, your majesty" I respond with a curtsie.

We walked to a table and sat down. We had a lovely conversation, we got to know each other. Her full name was Danielle Margot Dupant. She is 19 years old and she is single. She tells me how boring it is in Paris and how much pressure her parents put on her about being queen. She also tells me she has a twin brother named Sam and that he is engaged to Princess Natalia. As we were conversing, Princess Natalia walked over to us and sat with us.

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