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Hey There Weirdos!


Okay I'm not going to ramble on anymore and just let you read the chapter. 

Up top is Fireflies by Owl City 

This is the song that was on repeat while I was writing this chapter.

Okay Chapter starts now....

(Two weeks after the rebel attack)

I pace around nervously in my room. The wedding was today and I was super nervous. The entire country was going to to see me and that terrified me. I sit down on my bed and sigh. Percy would of made me feel better but I haven't seen him since 2 days ago. But apperently according to Queen Sally seeing the groom before the wedding is bad luck so I just had to calm myself down. My bedroom door opens and Ruby walks in with my wedding dress.

"Here is your finished dress, Annabeth. I fixed it" She says and smiles.

I nod and give her a smile "Thanks Ruby. Are we getting ready now?" I ask

She nods "Yes we have 2 hours before the wedding so lets start now because we will run out of time."

"Okay, lets get started" I say and sit down in a chair while Ruby started working on my hair. She did this cute braide hairstyle that left room for a crown to be put on. Once she's finished, she starts working on my makeup next. She doesn't do it very heavy because she nows how much I hate wearing makeup. We listen to some music while Ruby finishes my makeup and I sang along to Heathens by TOP.

"Okay, I'm done and now its time for you to get your dress on" She says and runs to my bed. She grabs the dress and I gasp. Its beautiful and I look at Ruby and smile.

"It's beautiful Ruby. Thank you so much" I say and hug her.

She smiles and hugs me back "Now lets you dressed" She says and starts unzipping the dress and hands it to me.

I take it and walk inside the closet and change into it. I walk out and Ruby smiles giving me a thumbs up. She zips my dress up and I look at the mirror and smile. I couldn't believe I was going to become Percy's wife today. I looked at the clock and see that we have 30 minutes to get to the chapel. I grab the silver heels Ruby put in my bed and walk out of room with Ruby. She had already changed before coming to help me. She wore this beautiful red dress and her hair was in bouncy curls. We walked down the hallway until we reached the main doors of the palace. The car was already waiting for us so we both walked down the stairs and get into the car.

Once we arrived at the Chapel, everyone was already there. I take a deep breath and get out of the car with Ruby. Everyone gasps and starts waving at me. I could hear them say The future Queen is here! Piper suddenly runs out and smiles. She's my maid of honor so she got to plan the entire wedding just like she wanted to and to be honest I loved it.

"Annabeth you look beautiful. You ready?" She asks me and I nod and smile.

My dad comes out and he has tears in his eyes, I smile and hug him "Don't cry dad"

"I can't. My baby girl is all grown up, it's hard for me." He says and I laugh. He extends his arm and I take it and we both head into the entrance of the chapel.

The wedding march started to play and the doors opened reaveling the beautiful church inside. Everyone stood up and smiled at me as my dad and I walked to the altar. I look at Percy while he stood there waiting for me. He smiled at me and all my nervousness washed away. Once we reached there, my dad gave me away to Percy and once my hand touched Percy's everyone seemed to disappear and it was only the two of us. The Priest started talking but I couldn't focus because I kept thinking about how much I would of liked for Amanda, Monica, and Reyna to be here. Percy squeezed my hand and I came back to reality, he gave me a reasurring smile as if he knew what I was thinking about.

The Priest looks at me and says something and I repeat it "I Annabeth Chase take you Perseus Jackson to be my husband, to love and cherish till as long as we both shall live"

"I Perseus Jackson take you Annabeth Chase to be my wife, to love and cherish till as long as we both shall live" Percy says as he repeats what the Priest says.

We exchange rings and then the Priest says "I declare you Husband and Wife, you may kiss the bride" He says and Percy smiles at me kisses me making the crowd start cheering for us.

We pull away and we both smile. Queen Sally and King Poseidon both step forward to the altar and remove their crowns. The priest takes the King's crown and Percy kneels in front of him. The priest blesses the crown and puts in on Percy's head. The priest then takes the Queen's crown and I kneel down in front of him, he blesses it and puts it on my head.

We both stand up and everyone started chanting "Long Live King Perseus and Queen Annabeth!"

Percy looks at me and smiles at me and we both start walking out of the church. Once we were out we headed to a car which was going to take us to the wedding reception. Piper told me all about how she planned this, so I had an idea of what it would look like.

By the time we got there, everyone was already there. Piper was greeting people as they walked in and when she saw us she smiled. "Go have a seat at your table, dancing doesn't start till a while but food is served in a couple of minutes" She says and gives us a thumbs up and walks away.

Percy laughs "I love how she gave us a thumbs up"

I smile "That's Piper. You gotta love her, now come on lets sit down because I'm starving"

Percy smiles and we walk in and smile at all the people and sit down. The waiters started bringing plates and when they put mine in front of me I started to eat right away. Percy chuckled as he saw me but he started eating his right away. Once everyone started finished with their dinner, the DJ started playing some music and I grabbed Percy's hand and dragged him to the dance floor.

The song Fireflies by Owl City starts to play and Percy wraps his arms around me and I put my hands on his shoulders and we both slow danced to this song.

I'd like to make myself believe

That planet Earth turns slowly

It's hard to say that i'd rather

Stay awake when I'm asleep

Cause everything is never as it seems

"I love you Annabeth" He whispers in my ear

I smile and whisper "I love you too Percy"

"Also my mom told me she wants grandchildren soon" He says quietly while laughing

I laugh and roll my eyes "We'll see" I say quietly with a smile.


Cue the tears....

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Until Next Time.....  

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