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Hey There Weirdos! 

It is sad to say that this is the second to last chapter of the story *cries* 

It makes me sad because I still remember the day when I posted the first chapter thinking it wasn't good and people started commenting on it saying to continue it and that's how this story was born. That is also the reason why I love when people comment, YOUR COMMENTS MAKE ME SMILE SO PLEASE KEEP ON DOING THAT. 

Also I just wanted to say that I'm a real person as well and like if you guys need to talk to someone about anything then just PM me. Also if you need help with book ideas, I can also help you with that. :) 

Up top is Closer by The Chainsmokers 

The chapter starts..........now 


I slowly open my eyes and look around in the saferoom. I couldn't hear any of the noises from the outside. I was still worried and hoped that Percy was alright. I stand up and look at the locked metal door. Luke said he would come and get me after it was all over but he hasn't come yet which worries me. I find a hair tie in a basket and put my hair up. A loud creak made me jump and I turn around to see Luke standing there with the door open.

"Sorry I startled you, Annabeth" He says

I smile and shrug "It's alright"

He looks to the end of the hallway then looks back at me "It's safe to come out now. The rebels have retreated a couple of hours ago but we kept everyone in the safe rooms a little longer just to make sure they were completely gone" He says and I walk out of the safe room.

I gasp as I see the hallways completely destroyed and bullet holes decorating the walls. There was some blood on the carpet but it wasn't as much as I thought it would be. I look at Luke worried, was Percy okay? Did Piper and Jason make it to safety?

"Is Percy alright? Where is he? Have you seen Piper and Jason? Where are my maids?" I ask all at the same time.

"Calm down Annabeth. Percy is in his room recovering, you can see him after you've calmed down. As to Piper and Jason, I just saw them walk out of one of the safe rooms." He says trying to calm me down.

"What about my maids? Amanda, Monica, and Ruby?" I ask worried.

Luke looks down, then back at me "I'm sorry Annabeth but Amanda and Monica were killed by the rebels. Ruby was the only one that made it."

A tear slips out of my eye, my maids were like my best friends as well. "That's horrible, why does this happen to me all the time. First Reyna, now them. Do the rebels have no sense of right and wrong. Killing a person is terrible and doesn't solve anything except make someone lose their life" I say as tears slip out.

Luke looks at me sadly "The rebels have no heart Annabeth. Please don't let this bring you down, be strong. There aren't a lot of people left in this castle but you staying strong will give them hope after all you're the future Queen"

I nod and wipe my tears. He's right many of the workers here are probably scared out of their mind. They need someone to be their rock and as their future Queen, I was going to be that for them. I take a couple of deep breaths as I calm down. I thank Luke and start to walk to the south hallway. My room is all the way at the end of the south hallway, so I was able to see all the mess the rebels left. Once I reached my room, I walked inside and see that they destroyed my room. Everything was ruined and the picture of my family was ripped. While I was cleaning stuff up, I heard the door open and see Piper with tears in her eyes.

"Thank the gods, you're alive!" She says and hugs me

I hug her and smile "I'm so glad you're alive as well. How are you and is Jason alright?" I ask and we both get out of the hug.

She nods "Yes we both are safe. Jason is right now with Percy in his room. You should go see him, he's been asking for you"

I nod "I was just about to go see him. I just wanted to calm down a bit first. I was just told two of my maids were killed in the rebel attack and I was having a little panic attack"

Piper nods understanding "Yeah, I lost one of my maids as well. It feels like you lost a friend doesn't it?"

"Yeah" I say and look at a picture that wasn't destroyed. It was the only picture I took of me and my maids. It was a selfie were we all sat near my bed.

A guard suddenly walks into my room "Lady Annabeth, the prince wants to see you now" He says

I smile at Piper then walk out of my room and follow the guard till we reached the 2nd floor which was were Percy's room was. I walked over to his room and knocked on the door.

"Come in" I heard his beautiful voice say.

I opened the door and see Percy sitting up from his bed smiling. I run to him and hug him. "I'm so glad, you're okay." I say a few tears falling from my eyes.

"I'm glad your safe as well" He says and wipes the tears off my eyes. He smiles and I just smile and he kisses my forehead. I get out of the hug and lay down on the bed next to him. He lays back into bed and wraps his good arm around me holding me close to him. I snuggle my head into his chest.

"How are you feeling?" I ask

"Much better now that you're here" He says and I roll my eyes and smile

"I'm serious Percy" I say and he chuckles but winces.

"I'm fine Annabeth. It doesn't hurt as much anymore, I've taken some painkillers so the pain shouldn't be as bad. The doctor checked me out and said that I should be fine. I shouldn't put to much pressure on it though." He says and looks at me and smiles.

"Okay, that's good news" I say with a smile.

He nods "How are you my love? Did you get hurt or anything?" He asked worried.

"I'm okay now. I wasn't so good a couple of minutes ago. Officer Castellan told me that two of my maids didn't survive the attack" I say and snuggle my head more on his chest.

"I'm sorry about that, Annabeth. I know you were really close to them. Just remember that they're never gone" He said and looks at me "They are always here" He says and points to my heart "All of our loved ones will always be with us in our heart and we will never forget them" He says

I nod "When did you get so smart? I kind of like it, it makes you more attractive" I say with a laugh and Percy smiles.

"I'll make a mental note of that" he says and yawns.

"I should go and let you rest" I say slowly getting out of his grasp but instead pulled me closer and shaked his head.

"No please don't go. I want to hold you and never let go" He says and holds me closer to him.

I smile "Okay, I won't ever leave" I say and rest my head on his chest.

"I love you, Wise Girl" Percy whispers and kisses my head.

"I love you too Seaweed Brain" I respond and snuggle against his chest.

There we both closed our eyes and fell into a deep sleep. 


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Until next time..... 

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