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Hey there Weirdos!

So I decided to update this chapter early since I updated the last chapter last week. Also don't forget to vote and comment! I love reading your comments! They truly make my day.

This chapter is dedicated to one of my best friends because today is her birthday! Happy birthday Bea! I LOVE YOU!!!! r34d01

Okay so i'll just leave my favorite song that has been stuck in my head for weeks up in the top. It Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Green Day.

On with the chapter


I sigh as I walk into my room. I finished my meeting with the queen 2 hours ago and decided to have some quality time with Piper. I found her in the library with Jason. They were having a conversation about palace security. Jason wanted her opinion on things and Piper answered honestly to all his questions. She was being very formal and looked almost like a queen.

I look around my bedroom and walk to the balcony. I look at the garden and let the wind go through my hair. I miss the sea breeze that used to welcome me every single day. I sigh and walk back into my bedroom and found something to keep me busy. I had nothing else to do, so I decided to write a letter to my friends back at home.

Dear Thalia and Clarisse,

How have you been? I miss you both so much. I bet you guys have followed up the selection just by watching the Illean news. I just want to tell you how things have been. The selection has gotten tougher since the King and Queen want to get to know us better. I had a chat with the Queen a couple of hours ago. She's super nice and we had a long chat about Percy and Tyson. Also Percy told me he loved me. I almost started crying, he said it in the most sweetest way. I love him too and now I feel like our relationship has gotten stronger. The person that I feel is like a threat to me is Rachel. She also likes Percy and he enjoys her company as well. Piper is my best friend and she likes Jason the palace guard. Reyna is a complete bitch, she is so mean to me. She likes to give me dirty looks and makes my life a living hell. She's only in this selection for the crown, she doesn't care about Percy. Hazel and Lucia are the sweetest people I have ever met. I haven't talked to Hazel as much but Piper tells me she is a sweetheart. Lucia is such a sweetheart, she is super shy but very kind and gentle. I hope everything is going well over there! Tell my mom and dad that I miss them so much. Tell Bobby and Matthew that I love them. Clarisse how's it going with Chris? You guys going out yet? Thalia make sure it happens before I come home or if I become Princess. I love both of you so much! I'll try to write a letter more often so you guys can hear all the gossip because I know how much you like gossip Thalia.



I finished writing the letter and put it in an envelope and set it on my desk. I had to remind myself to give that to Ruby so she could send it. As I was writing down Thalia's address, I heard a knock on my door.

"Come in" I said while writing Thalia's address down.

"Hey Annabeth" Percy said with a smile. I look at him and smile. I get up from my desk and run up to hug him.

"Hey seaweed brain, what brings you here?" I ask looking at his beautiful sea green eyes.

He smiles at me "Well I have some free time and I wanted to ask you if you wanted to have a picnic with me in the gardens. It's a beautiful day and I thought we could spend it outside."

"Sure Percy, that sounds like a great idea. Let's go" I say and start heading to the door holding Percy's hand. He smiles and follows me closing my bedroom door. We both walk down the hallway holding hands. Percy kept telling me stories about what happened this morning. Apparently Tyson dumped water on him to wake Percy up. It sounds like something Tyson would do.

We reached the gardens and he had already set out a blanket and a picnic basket on the grass. We both sat down and we started talking about random things.

"My mom likes you. Right after she talked to you she came over to my room and told me that she approved." Percy says taking a strawberry from the picnic basket.

I blushed and smiled at him "Your mom is amazing, she is super nice and kind. She also told me all these embarrassing stories about you and Tyson. They are super cute and adorable"

Percy groaned and covered his face and layed down on the blanket "I told mom not to tell those stories. Those are super embarrassing, I wish I could go back in time and stop myself from doing that"

I layed down next to him and pulled his hand off his face and kissed his cheek "Those stories are super cute. I started laughing and smiling when your mother told me them. I was able to learn more about your childhood. I find adorable how a kid with a missing front tooth tripped over a rock and fell into a lake."

Percy rolled his eyes and sighed "Tell me stories about your childhood, I want to get to know you better"

"Well I was a very weird child. I used to wear braids with little bows at the end and wear jeans and a t shirt. My dad once told me when I was six, we went to the zoo and I was looking at the penguins exhibit. My dad turned around to look for Helen and the next minute I was gone. Apparently I found an entrance to the penguins exhibit and actually sat there with the penguins. My dad started freaking out." I said looking at him

Percy laughed "I could see you doing that, were the penguins nice to you? Or did they not come near you?"

"The penguins all cam close to me and I started rubbing their heads and making them feel loved. All the penguins snuggled against me until I was being dragged out of the exibit. We were banned from the zoo ever since"

Percy looked at me "That sounds like a fun experience. Okay tell me more"

I start to think about all the events that happened in my childhood that I could tell Percy. "Once when I was 8, I was suspended from school for punching a kid."

Percy looks at me wide eyed "Really? How did that happen?" He asked curiously shifting so he was looking at me.

"Well that was the year, I switched schools. During the entire first year, people kept making fun of Thalia. During that time we weren't friends but it got to the point where Thalia wouldn't even come to school. The day she came back, she was almost beaten by Collin. Collin was the one who was bullying her. Right before she was hit, I walked right up to Collin and punched him right in the face. I called him some words an 8 year old shouldn't know. Thalia and I then became best friends after that, and I was also suspended for 2 days for punching him." I said remembering that day like it was yesterday.

Percy looked impressed "Well done wise girl. I still think that the school shouldn't have given you suspension for trying to defend her."

I shrugged "I didn't really mind having a 2 day suspension. I literally watched cartoons all day and went to the beach. Best 2 days of my 8 year old life"

Percy laughs "Did you ever go to the Malibu?" He asks

I shake my head "No, my dad wanted to take me there but he never had the time. He was super busy with his new job that he completely forgot about it. I heard it's wonderful"

Percy nods "It is. My father took me there when I was 12 and it was amazing. I went surfing and we did all these things together. After that day, my father never had time for me anymore. It was just my mom, Tyson, and I. He was barely around since he had to travel to other countries for trading issues."

Percy kept telling me about all these stories about his childhood that his mother didn't tell me. All of them were super sweet and Percy kept smiling as he told all of them. I did tell Percy more stories about little Annabeth. He smiled every time I told him one. He must of enjoyed them. As we kept talking, our eyes grew heavy and we started to fall asleep. I moved in closer to him and wrapped my arms around him and he did the same and we fell asleep in each others arms.

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