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 I laughed as Percy told one of his stupid jokes.

"I think that one was pretty funny" He said while we walked around the garden.

"No I don't think so seaweed brain" I said laughing. He rolled his eyes and laughed. We then started talking about blue food. I found that really weird and he explained why. I found that really cute... Wait what? ugh hate this feeling. I promised myself that I wouldn't fall for another guy. As we were walking around the garden, children came out and played near us. A little girl walked to us and said.

"Could you please play with us? We're playing tag" She smiled wide with both of her front teeth missing. I looked at Percy and he nodded. I smiled and her

"Of course." She then jumped up and down and whistled loudly. I was shocked how she could do that. Five more kids came out where we are and they separated into teams. Percy was on the opposite team. Percy and the little girl played rock, paper, sissors to find out who was going to be it. Percy lost and he was it.

"You better run wise girl. I'm going to get you first." He said looking at me. I laughed and gave him a serious face.

"As if, you'll never catch me" Then I run. I climb a tree but with my dress it makes it harder for me. I look around and see that my balcony is open so I run to my balcony and jump and climb on top of it and run inside my room and change into a pair of shorts and a t-shirt and some converse. Then I run out of my room and jump off my balcony then run into the tree I was hiding in. I saw Percy coming over so I climbed higher. There were a couple of kids at the bottom of the tree discussing their plan. 

I was so distracted that I didn't see Percy on the ground looking at me. 

"I see you wise girl" He said laughing, I turned around surprised and my foot missed a branch and I fell. I waited for the impact but instead was caught by some strong arms. My eyes were shut, but I slowly opened them to see those sea green eyes that I loved. Percy looked at me with a worried face and said " Are you okay?" 

I nodded and he smiled and leaned in and whispered in my ear "I got you and I'm never letting you go" 

I blushed as he whispered how beautiful I looked and how he loved my eyes. I wanted to tell him he was handsome and that his eyes were the most wonderful thing I have ever seen but something held me back. What if he did the same thing with the other girls here? Made them feel right at home and sweep them away with the most romantic thing. It's only been two days since I've been here and Percy is making me feel the same way I once felt for Luke. I sighed, my mind made bunch of scenes where Percy whispered in Rachel's ear and other people. The thought of that made me sad, one tear fell out of my eye. 

A loud bell caught us by surprise. It was getting late and we would miss dinner if we stayed any longer. I didn't want to leave Percy's arms and he didn't seem like he wanted to let go of me so we both said goodbye to the little kids playing around and headed inside. He dropped me off at my room and said "I had a lot of fun today"

I smiled at him, little sad that I wasn't in his arms "Yeah me too" 

He leaned in and kissed me on the cheek, "Ill see you at dinner then, bye wise girl" then walked down the hallway and went into his room which was near our rooms.

OMGS he just kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't believe it. I closed my door to my room and just sighed. I could get used to living here. 

- 2 months later -

It's been two months since the selection started. The group has been reduced to Rachel, Reyna, Piper, Lucia, and me. Its only us five, everyone else has been sent home. Percy and I go on a regular date each Friday. If you have been wondering if we have kissed yet the answer is no. Percy always kisses my cheek and i'm okay with that. I really like him, i hope he likes me back. He seems to like Rachel since they talk all the time and they go on dates too.   Percy tells me that he doesn't like Reyna but he has to keep her here, something because of her father. Percy also told me his best friend, Jason (I think he is a guard) , likes Piper, so that's why she is still here. Never really asked why I'm here but i'm guessing that he likes having me around. 

I walk around the hallway looking for the library since I was in dire need of reading. Once I found the library, I went inside and spend the entire day reading books. Piper was also here she read some books on some artists and then drew a picture. The library was my favorite place to be if I wanted some alone time. I did a lot of thinking here, and figuring out my feelings. I liked Percy but I still like Luke even after what he did to me. I just don't know what to do...

I walked out the library and ran into a guard who was walking down the hallway.

"Oh i'm so sorry" I said picking up my books. He helped put them in my hand.

"Don't worry it's okay" Said a voice that I recognized but wasn't very excited to hear. I looked up and saw...Luke. I looked around to make sure there wasn't anyone.

"What are you doing here?" I whispered/yelled. I can't believe he had the nerve to come here.

"I was drafted to be a guard. So now I am here, I'm also here to apologize for everything and make you mine again. Annabeth I miss you so much, you know I can't live without you." He said whispering back. I rolled my eyes and scoffed. I wasn't going to fall for that again. 

"I would never forgive you for what you did. You broke my heart " Tears were staring to form in my eyes. "Also I'm never going to yours again, I'm part of the selection now. The rules state I can't have romantic relationship in the palace. Plus I like Percy he is much more of a gentleman  than you ever were." I said and left the hallway tears fell out but I made no sound. I ran all the way into my room and saw that Percy saw me crying. I opened my door and ran inside my room and sat on my bed and quietly cried. 

It was silent for a couple of minutes until I heard a couple of knocks on my door. I wiped my tears and went for the door. I opened it and Percy looked very worried. I let him inside and I closed the door. I started crying and Percy wrapped me in a hug and right now this is the only place I want to be in right now. In the loving arms of Percy. 

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