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It's been a couple of days since the rebel attack. Things have gotten back to normal. The palace was getting ready for the party after all Christmas was tomorrow. Piper and I were sitting in my room double checking everything we planned.

"So is the photo booth ready?" She asks looking at all the papers. I walk to my night table and grab a sheet of paper.

"Yeah, the maids are setting it up later in the evening." I say as I start to draw an owl. I sigh, life hasn't been the same since the rebel attack. Percy seems a little distant and we don't talk as much as we used to. He seems to spend more time with Rachel.

"Annabeth, I have to go get ready for the Christmas eve party. I'll see you then okay?" Piper says before walking out. I nod and she leaves.

I stand up from my bed and decide to go to the Library. Maybe that could take my mind away from Percy. I was walking to the hallway when I tripped over something and fell right on my face. A laugh echoed the hallway, I look up and see that that laugh was from Rachel. That little bitch just tripped me! I shrugged it off and walked to the library.

Rachel has been being mean to me for the past couple of days. I just ignore it but it's getting a little annoying. I walk out of the library and see Percy walking by. He smiles and and walks over.

"Hey wise girl" He says calmly.

"Hey seaweed brain, I haven't seen you in a long time." I say kind of sadly.

He looks at me and grabs my hands "I'm sorry, I've been really busy. My dad says I have to spend equal amount of time with each girl. Don't worry we can have the day to ourselves tomorrow."

I smile and nod "That would be great."

Percy smiles then he leaves. I walk around the palace, helping maids out with the decoration, when I saw Luke. He walked to me.

"Good Morning, Lady Annabeth." He says formally.

"Good Morning, Officer Castellan" I say while hanging up some ornaments on the tree in the hallway. He grabbed some and started putting them on the tree.

"Need more help?" He asked. I nod and keep putting them on. Silence filled the hallway as we decorated the tree. I have nothing to say to Luke so it was super awkward. Breaking the silence Luke spoke up.

"Annabeth, please say something. I can't stand not having you speak to me."

I sighed "Look Luke you hurt me, how do you want me to react, like I'm okay with it? No."

"Annabeth I'm really sorry I hurt you. Can we just be friends?" He says and I could really see that he was sincere.

"I don't know Luke. You really hurt me and I don't know if i'm ready to be friends with you yet" I say hanging an angel on the tree. Luke nods and keeps hanging ornaments on the tree. Once we were done we said our goodbyes and then he left.

I sighed and remembered all the things we did together but I shrugged them all away. I walked down the hallway and bumped into someone and fell on the ground.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't see where I was going." A voice said helping me up. I looked up and say a boy, no older than 17 years old. He had brown hair and brown eyes, he smelled like the ocean just like Percy did.

"It's okay, I wasn't looking either." I say laughing.

"My name is Tyson, what's your name?" He says smiling.

"My name is Annabeth, nice to meet you" I smile. Tyson's eyes widen and then said

"Wait..your Annabeth? My brother has been talking about you non stop but he didn't tell me you were this beautiful." I blushed and smiled.

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