My worst nightmare has come to life.

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Sorry its not an update :( 

I was tagged THREE TIMES TO DO THIS!  So ill answer all three sets of questions here. *sighs* Thank you so much to Book_Lover_224466AnnabethChase6758, and @dorkalicious20. (not really :) ) 


1. You must post the rules 

2. You must tag 13 people 

3. You must answer 13 questions and leave 13 questions 

4. You can't refuse 

5. You must complete a tag within a week or there will be serious consequences by the person tagged (WTF? I'm not going to follow that) 

6. Tag backs are allowed 

7. You must have an unique title 

8. You can't comment your answers you must answer them in one of your published stories. 

Book_Lover_224466 questions 

1) Favorite Candy? 

Skittles, they're my fav

2)Favorite season?

Summer or winter. I cant decide  

3) Favorite Store?

Aeropostale. I LOVE going in there. 

4) Favorite ice cream flavor?

French Vanilla, it's soooooooooo good 

5)Harry Potter or Percy Jackson?

Percy Jackson all the way 

6) Leo Valdez or Nico Di Angelo?

Is this a joke? I CANT CHOOSE. But if i had too Leo valdez 

7) Why do people start these?


8) Favorite Wattpad author?


9)Favorite Wattpad book?

The Bad Boy and Tomboy by nikki20038

10) Why do we have to do these?

*sighs* I dont know but lets just get them over with 

11) Favorite book series?

Too many to choose from; The selection, PJO,HOO, The maze runner 

12)Favorite vacation spot? 

Greece, I went there once and it was amazing 

13) Best thing you've ever done?

Put a skateboard under a snow slide and went down a hill with it. Best experience ever! 

AnnabethChase6758 questions 

1) Favorite author?

Rick Riordan 

2) Favorite TV show?

Gossip Girl, or Psych 

3) What is your most popular Wattpad book?

The Selection (Percy Jackson AU) 

The Selection (Percy Jackson AU)Where stories live. Discover now