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I laughed a little when my maids helped me put on a nightgown. It was soft and tickled me a little bit. Once I finished getting dressed I went out into the balcony and looked at the moon. It was so beautiful. My mind then wandered off until I heard voices in the garden.

I saw Prince Percy with a Red headed girl who I remembered introduced herself as Rachel. She seemed like a nice girl. I didn't mean to eavesdrop on their date but I couldn't help but wonder what was going on. I looked away after a couple of minutes of just watching them stroll around the garden and kept remembering my conversation with the prince. He was such a seaweed brain. I rolled my eyes and laughed at the thought.

Just as I was about to sleep I heard someone whispering my name. I look around to the room and then look outside and see that Rachel had left and Percy was waving at me. He approached the balcony and and looked at him.

"What?" I asked looking at him with an annoyed look.

"I saw you when I was with Rachel. A little obsessed don't you think?" He laughed. I laughed and rolled my eyes.

"Yeah right, in your dreams seaweed brain." I say and then laugh. He looks at me then smiles.

"Hey meet me tomorrow after lunch in the garden." He said and I smiled.

I raised an eyebrow "Are you asking me out on a date seaweed brain?"

He smiled and nodded "Of course wise girl."

I laughed and smiled at him "I'll see you then Percy" then I went back inside and closed my balcony doors. I sighed and my maids helped me get ready for bed. Once I was ready I tucked myself in and slept the night away.

I woke up to the sound of singing birds and my maids begging me to get up. I got up and took a shower then my maids helped me get ready for breakfast. Amanda and Monica had made this wonderful day dress which was yellow and had flowers on it. They braided my hair and put a flower on the braid and then they gave me some sandals. Once they were done they rushed me out of my room when I see Piper in the distance.

"Hey wait up!" I said. Piper turned around and signaled me to come faster.

"Hey Annabeth you look amazing today!" She said once I caught up to her. I smiled and looked at her

"What no..You look amazing" I said mentioning her dress. She smiled and thanked me. We walked inside the hall and sat down. I caught Percy looking at me and I rolled my eyes at him and laughed. Then I grabbed a pen and with a napkin and wrote A little obsessed now are we? Then gave it to one of the maids who were working today. Instead of having 50 girls we have now 20 girls. The elimination part went by really fast. The only girls I knew that were still part of the selection are Piper, Rachel, Hazel and this girl named Reyna.

I sit next to Piper at the end of the table close enough to Percy to see his reaction to the note but far away for us to talk. Today breakfast was some waffles, which to my liking were very good but what caught my attention was that Percy was eating BLUE waffles. Okay...that is weird. The king and Queen got our attention and started talking about the events that were going to happen while we were here. One of them was the big Thanksgiving Gala they were having this month. I don't know why they are having it in September but I mean if your King and Queen then I guess you can choose when to do it. I looked over to Percy and saw him reading the napkin I sent him. He smiled at me and wrote down something and gave the napkin to the maid next to him. The maid came over and handed me the napkin. Maybe but so are you.  I laughed and put the napkin down.

Breakfast ended at 9 so all the girls were to stay in their rooms or the library for at least 3 hours until lunch or leave with the Prince if you had a date. I went to my room and my maids were cleaning. Ruby was sitting there, looking a little sad. I grabbed her hand and mentioned her to wait. I grabbed two white chairs from my room and put them in the balcony. I sat in one of them and she sat in the other I started to do her hair. I brushed it and asked her questions about her life. She answered them quietly and seemed to lighten up a bit after our talk. Apparently her older sister is very ill and can't even walk. I told her everything is going to be okay and that she will get better. She smiled at me and hugged me. She got up and picked up her chair and put it back in its place then went to clean the closet. I grabbed a book from my bookshelf in my room and got on my bed and started reading. 

Hours passed by and I was being shoved out of my room to go lunch. I heard Reyna talking to some other girls about how Rachel already had 2 dates with the prince and how she had none. I stopped for a minute. He already had 2 dates with Rachel?!?!? Wow that is fast, after that I saw Rachel and kept comparing myself to her. OMG am I jealous? no I can't be, I just got here. Oh Gods.. I push away the feeling and walk into the room. 

Hey fellow readers dont forget to vote or comment on the story. I would really like some feed back. Lol. Plz tell me if you like this so I can continue it!!

Sorry for the Short Chapter but I need to finish my HW -.-

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