Chapter 1 - I want you to kidnap Harry Styles

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Target name: Cynthia Rose Meta

Age: 37 years

Reason targeted: Former agent who was in debt to the company after failing to pay for $30,000 in damages after she blew up our base in Chicago

Notes lay scattered on the tables, and all that could be heard was the faint sound of the wind, blowing through the windows in the kitchen. Picking them up, I stored them in my bag, knowing my boss would want to see them. The sound of a door shutting echoed through the house and I ripped out my gun, quietly stalking towards it. The woman emerged, placing her bag and keys on the couch, before walking past me. I quickly grabbed her, and pointed the gun to her temple.

"Remember me?"


"That's right, it's Angel, and you my friend have pissed my boss off big time." I snarled, pushing her so she fell to the floor. "Your payment was due two weeks ago, and you have been very good at hiding, but we found you."

"I'm sorry, I'll fix it, I promise! I'll get him the money."

"Not good enough. You have earned this."

Her eyes filled with tears as she saw the gun in my hand, and realized what I was talking about.

"No! Please, I'll pay him off. I'll fix it I promise!" She screamed, tears flowing out of her eyes.

"Not good enough." I shot her, leaving her dead on the floor. Walking out the front door, I threw a match on the trail of gasoline I had left before. I jumped in my car and sped away, just as the house behind me blew up.

The car ride was short, and I soon arrived at the agency, pushing open the double doors and heading to my boss' office.

"Ah, Angel, how did the kill go?" My boss, Mr Shive, asked as I walked in.

"Easy as pie sir." I replied, throwing the papers down onto his desk, and receiving a nod of acknowledgement.

"I have a new assignment for you," he said, looking at me.

"What is it, Sir?" I questioned.

"Well, you are the best kidnapper in this building, yes?" he asked me.

"Yes Sir, I have been ever since I joined." I replied, not knowing where he was going with this.

"'I need you to kidnap Harry Styles." he said.

"Who?" I asked him, unsure of who this 'Harry Styles' was. Is he a big deal or something?

"Harry Styles, famous member of boy band One Direction, youngest and has numerous tattoos.." he began to trail off when he saw my confused look. "Never mind, it's all in a brief. Anyway, we recently have been informed that the F.B.I are tracking him. Now you of all people should know that if the F.B.I is following someone, it must be serious. So I need you to kidnap him, so we can find out why." he told me.

"But Sir, he will have all sorts of security." I said. "I won't be able to get in. And even if I do, they will have security cameras at every corner of the house. And besides. I don't like famous people."

"Are you, or are you not the best kidnapper in the building?"

"I am sir."

"Then figure it out." He told me. "All we need you to do is get in, and then kidnap him. Also you will just have to deal with your hate."

"Yes Sir." I replied.

"That is all. Go to fitting, they will equip you for your mission."

"Thank you Sir." I said, walking out of the office, towards the fitting department of the building.

~Five minutes later~

When I arrived at the fitting department, I was instantly grabbed by Lillian, my usual tech and clothing coordinator.

"Hey Lillian", I said.

"Hi Angel," she replied, with a small smile. "Are you excited for the mission, you get to meet Harry Styles!"

"Yeah, who is that?"

"Never mind."

"Ok." I replied.

"Lets get you ready," she told me as we walked towards the 'clothing centre'.

~20 minutes later~

"No way Lillian, this is too far." I said, looking at my reflection.

"You look good, and I'm sure Harry will like it," Lillian winked. I groaned and looked in the mirror at the monstrosity that was.... me.

I was wearing a tight, black catsuit. Kind of like the one that the Black Widow wears in the Avengers. I was wearing black combat boots, and a 'tool belt', with my gun, sedative, and water and food pack, taser and a variation of knives. Oh... And I was wearing a black mask. Lillian thought I looked awesome, I thought I looked like a 5 year old dressing up for Halloween.

"It is perfect!" Lillian cried. "Now come on, we have to go to tech!"

I followed her, feeling ridiculous as I walked down the building halls. A guy had the nerve to wolf whistle at me, but I fixed that problem by punching him in his ugly face. That will teach him.

At tech I was fitted with an ear and mouth piece, a tracking device, a cell phone, a security scrambler and a taser. Finally, when I was ready, I went back to my boss' office.

"Sir, I am ready to go." I told him, as he looked up from his paperwork.

"Good. Here are the keys to your car. You will find it in the underground lot. Oh and here are the files on your victim and who he is sharing a house with. We have also included a map of the house and where all the security cameras are, and what security measures are in place." he said.

"Thanks sir." I said, exiting the room.

Finally I left for my mission, rolling my eyes as I glanced at the file on Harry Styles who is apparently famous. This is going to be the worst mission ever, I hate famous people.

I Kidnapped Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now