Chapter 6 - The man fan and compliments

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'Styles?' I called out.

No answer. Shoot.

I went to sit up in my bed when I felt a tug on my arm. Looking down I saw the handcuffs that had been slapped on Harry before.

I looked around for something to pick the lock with, but all I found was my pillow.

Deciding I should try pulling it, I raised my arm again.

There was a loud snapping noise. I gazed down and saw that I had broken the handcuffs in two pieces.

I jumped up and ran around the small apartment, trying to find the pop-star, but one thing was for sure. He was gone.

I ran downstairs to the diner.

There was Harry. On the phone. With the guy I kicked in his crown jewels staring at him, with a pen in hand. I ran over to Harry.

'Styles!' I yell at him.

He turns around, the phone falling out of his hand.

'Angel?' he asked me. 'How? I handcuffed you to the bed!'

I walked over to him and slapped him in the face. Hard. He dropped the phone and fell to the floor.

He began to say something, but ignoring his protests, I picked up the phone.

'No!' he cried as I picked it up.

'Hello?' I asked.

'Who's this?' asked the voice in the end. I recognized it as Zayn. The one who has all the tattoos and smokes to try and not look like a girly singer.

'The girl who shot you in the back,' I told him, my voice icy cold. 'You have three seconds to tell me how Styles got a hold of you, or I will hang up, and move him to a different location.'

Zayn gasped on the other end.

'1. 2.' I said.

'Wait!' he cried.

'How did he get a hold of you?' I said, anger evident in my tone.

'Depends. Why did you kidnap him?' he asked.

I hung up and turned around to face Harry.

'You know you look hot when your angry,' he told me.

I slapped him in the face.

'How did you get out? I have the key!' he yelled.

'I snapped the handcuffs in half,' I told him.

'How? Are you the Hulk or something? You definitely are fat enough to be-' I cut him of by slapping him in the face for a 3rd time.

'OW!' he cried.

I grabbed his arm, and dragged him up the stairs.

Suddenly I was by seized by a pair of strong hands. I turned around, to punch my attacker, but he took hold of both of my fists and put me in a headlock.

'Let Harry go. I am his number one fan, and from watching the news I can see that you are the kidnapper,' the person hissed, in a manly voice.

I recognised the voice.

I turned around to see muscles.

'You again!' I hissed, struggling in the grip.

Oh well. He will have to learn the hard way.

I flipped him over my shoulder, and pinned him to the ground.

Once I had handcuffed him to a table I walked back to Harry, who was in shock.

'Come on Curly,' I hissed, dragging him by his ear.

'Ow, ow, ow!' he whisper/yelled.

Once we got back to the room, I grabbed the bags, and Harry, and walked down to the car.

I pushed Harry towards the front seat, and chucked our bags in the back.

'Hello Ma'am,' the car's electronic voice said.

'Hey,' I replied.

'Woah!' Harry said. 'Your car talks? Maybe I should become a kidnapper.'

'They don't accept idiots,' the car told him.

'Hey!' he replied, pouting as he looked out the window.

'Hay is for horses Harry. This is why you could never be an agent.' I told him, matter of factly.

'Whatever.' he replied, staring out the window.

'Catch some sleep,' I said. 'Remember last time you slept I knocked you out. Do you really want a repeat?' I asked.

He reclined his seat and lay down.

'Hey Angel?' he asked.

'What Curly?' I replied venomously.

'I wasn't lying when I said you looked like the Hulk,' he told me.

'You really love getting slapped in the face, don't you?'

'Hey I was only kidding! You are too pretty to be the Hulk,' he said.

I felt a blush crawl onto my cheeks.

'Go to sleep Styles.' I told him, coldly.

I looked at him again, and saw him lie down.

I focused back on the road, and soon all I heard was a super star snoring.

And it was LOUD.

I Kidnapped Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now