Chapter 2 - The talking car and the overly muscled man

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As soon as I left Mr Shive's office, I was handed the remaining equiptment for my mission and went straight to the parking lot that was reserved for mission cars. I pressed the car unlock button and saw a car flash on the other side of the park, so I walked towards it and unlocked the brand new, black range rover. The car was fully equiped, complete with surround sound speakers, tinted glass, fake identity creator, hidden weapon cabinet and a small wardrobe filled with a variation of clothes, shoes, hair acessories (probably with concealed weapons) and sunglasses.

Jumping in, I turned the keys in the ignition, as the car started, with a soft rev of the engine.

"Hello Ma'am. How has your day been?" asked a computerized voice. I jolt up, shocked. The car could talk, apparently a feature in all new assasin cars.

"Fine." I replied, pulling out of the building and beginning what I assumed was a long drive.

"Car, how far until the destination?" I questioned.

"20 hours and counting," the car said. Crud, it was going to be a long drive.

~10 hours later~

I stopped at a small roadside motel and checked in for the night, grabbing a small room. After dumping all my stuff in the room, I went down to the diner, to get some food. Hopefully they had good food, not the bad stuff that tasted like something that came out of a horse's rear end, and was so hot you had to breathe like a spastic dragon.

"Can I please have the lasagna?" I asked the waiter, who had come over as soon as I sat down. The place didn't have a lot of customers.

"Yes ma'am. Would you like anything else?"

"A coke please." I requested.

"We don't have coke, is Pepsi okay?" He asked. I grit my teeth in annoyance, before smirking.

"Fine thanks."

He walked away. I began to look around the bar, to see if there was anyone who looked interesting. I spotted a large, overly muscled man, a pair of women, an elderly couple, and a small sleazy looking rodent of a man.

I would have analysed them more, but fortunately my food came. I dug into the warm lasagna, and quickly finsished the cold (not as good as coke) pepsi. I was just about done with my meal when someone sat down at my table. Surprisingly it was the overly muscled man from before. He winked in a way that I guess he thought was flirtatious. I nearly laughed, he looked like a drunken hippo.

"Can I help you?" I ask annoyance seeping into my tone.

"Why yes." He said. He sounded like he was drunk. Very drunk "I need someone to accompany me tonight." He winked again, and put his hand on my lower thigh, and began to run it up and down my leg. I nearly threw up.

"Nope, because 'a' you're fugly, and 'b' you're fugly." I said getting up. I had began to leave, but he grabbed my wrist.

"I wasn't giving you an option," he hissed, anger in his eyes.

"Are you deaf or just an idiot?" I asked.


"An idiot, definately. I said no."

"You don't have a choice. You can come willingly, or I can just make you come."

"Listen buddy. You have two choices. I either leave, and you stop being a pathetic idiot, and drunkenly hitting on girls who you have no chance with, or I leave here after I finish beating you up. Your choice,' I said

"Neither," he said pulling me closer to him.

"Option 2! Yay!" I cried. And then I punched him in the face, leaving a big red mark on his cheek. I kicked him in the stomach, and to finish it off, kneed him where the sun don't shine. He crumpled to the floor.

"Well. That was easy!" I smirked, beginning the walk back to my room. I had a long day of kidnapping tomorrow, and needed a bit of rest so I could easily kidnap the boy band idiot.

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