Chapter 32 - I love you

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It had been a month since Harry returned home. A month since he had done a twit-cam, announcing that he had been kidnapped, but was saved by another captive Angel.

Of course the story he made up was a lie. He couldn't tell the truth. Imagine if he had: 'Hi I'm Harry Styles and I was kidnapped by a psycho who I am now dating. Bye!'

The boys have decided not to break up the band, and are instead writing a new album: Midnight Memories. They have even decided to use the song Harry wrote for me in the new album.

I am getting along with them all, except for Zayn, who is still not over me shooting him in the back, despite me telling him that only little boys hold grudges.

However Louis by far is definitely my favourite out of all the boys. He is funny and accepting. Apparently I am the sass queen, a title that I am okay with.

Anne and Gemma were like the family I had never had. They accepted me for me, they let me stay at the house with them and they even managed to drag me to a salon to get my nails done! I had them done black with blue flames.

And Harry and I? We are better than ever. Last week he took me out for a picnic on the beach, for my 19th birthday. He fell over, and landed in the cake, when he saw me in a bikini.

Finally my life is settling down. And finally it is perfect. Almost...


"Harry? Have you seen my freeze ray?" I cried, as I searched for the pale blue device.

"No! Where did you leave it?"

"On the couch in the lounge room!"

"Well did you check there?"

"Duh! That was the first place I would have checked!"

"Don't you sass me young lady! I am your boyfriend!" he cried jokingly. "And check with the boys!"


I ran to Louis room, to see if he had taken my freeze ray.

"Louie Pooie!"

"Angel Devil!"

"Have you got my freezeray?"

"No! How dare you accuse me of such things! Have you got my freezeray?" He cried dramatically.

"Lou you don't have a freezeray.."

"Shh.. Little sass grasshopper. The master is always right." He winked.

I left the room laughing at Louis. What a strange child.

Next I went to see Liam.

"Li, have you seen my freezeray?"

"Nope." Okay then. I continued to walk, nearing Niall's room. I knocked loudly on the door, and Niall came to open it. He had a bag of chips in his hand.




Finally I went to see the one boy left. Zayn Malik must have taken my freezeray.

"Hey Zayn!" I barged into his room, and fell onto the floor, laughing at the sight in front of me. Zayn was standing with his quiff encased in pale blue ice.

"It's not funny Angel."

"O-o-h, trust me, it is."

"It thought it would make my hair hard."

"It did.." He shot me another glare, as Harry ran in. He took one look at Zayn and reacted like me.

"I-I came to-o fi-i-ind Angel and Zayn you just... BAHAHAHA!" He fell to the floor, laughter erupting out of him. All the commotion must have been loud, because soon all of the boys ran in.

"Zayn.. Mate you look like a smurf." Niall blurted out. This caused us all to laugh harder as Zayn stomped his foot.

"Stop it!" He glared, making us burst into giggles again. "I said stop!"

"Yes Papa Smurf!" Cried Louis, building on Niall's joke. Zayn huffed and threw something at my head, his glare increasing. I picked up my freezeray, then ripped out my phone and shot a photo of him, before sprinting out of the room. I heard footsteps behind me, but I kept running.

Sliding under the table, hurdling the couch, ducking corners, I did anything to avoid Zayn. Suddenly I was grabbed by the arm and yanked into a closet. Turning around I saw Harry. He motioned for me to be silent an I nodded. Footsteps thundered past, and it went silent.

"Thanks Harry."

"No problems. My perfect girlfriend deserves to be safe from Papa Smurf." He winked, and I giggled, but fell quiet when I realized we were hiding. He grinned . Just another thing I loved about him. I kissed him, and he went still, before reacting. We stayed like that until we remembered humans had to breath, so we parted. Harry rested his forehead on mine.

"I love you so much Haz." I said, smiling at my amazing boyfriend.

"You love me?" Harry asked, shock etched onto his features. This was the first time I had told him I loved him. I nodded.

"I love you too Angel. So much." He kissed me again. Suddenly the door to the closet was thrown open, to reveal a pissed looking Zayn, with an icy quiff.

"Gimme the phone."


"Phone. Now."




"Stop being annoying."


"Ugh!" He grumbled, reaching over Harry to get to me. I quickly formulated a plan. Pushing Harry into Zayn, they fell onto the floor, where I jumped over them both. Harry rolled off Zayn, as I ripped out my freezeray and shot him, freezing him to the ground.

Zayn shrieked like a little girl, as Harry ran up to me.

"That was awesome Angel! Just wow. You are so perfect!" He picked me up spinning me in circles, before finally putting me down.

"So are you Haz. You are the type of guy that any girl would go nuts over. Hot... Funny... Smart... You have a six pack..."

"You love me for my body?"

"Shut up. I wasn't done idiot."

"Oh.. Okay. Please continue, keep talking about how perfect I am." He winked.

"Like I was saying," I leaned in for effect, lifting my mouth to his ear. "A pretty bad kisser."

He gasped.

"You are evil Angel Queen. And that is why I love you... Kidnapping abilities and all." He grinned. "And I am a good kisser love."

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