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~3 and a half years later~

I shook as I took in the sight in front of me. I was on the most terrifying mission yet, and I was scared enough to be quaking in fear.

"Are you ready?" Anne whispered in my ear. I nodded, unable to speak.

"You look beautiful." Gemma assured me, as she walked out into the aisle, clutching a bouquet. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, before clutching my own bouquet harder, and taking a step out into the open space.

There he stood, at the end of the aisle. He looked amazing, and as always I felt butterflies at the look of my amazing fiance.

~Harry's POV~

"I don't think I can do this mate. What if she backs out? What if she decides she doesn't want to do this? What if-"

"Mate, stop being silly. She loves you, you love her. She will be here." Louis assured me. I nodded as I stood under the arch of flowers, waiting for my fiance to walk down that aisle.

Suddenly music began to play as Gemma walked down the aisle in a baby blue dress. She came and stood up near me, and Angel took a step out into the aisle.

She looked like she was glowing, as she walked down the aisle, bouquet in hands. Her wedding dress was white in contrast to the bright blue flowers she carried. I grinned at my beautiful princess, who in just half an hour would be mine forever.

Soon she was next to me, as Gemma took her bouquet, I grabbed her hand. The priest began talking and soon it was up to the vows. I had written mine, and memorized them. I began speaking.

"Angel Mary Queen, we have been together for 3 and a half years now, and in that whole time I have fallen deeper in love with you. You are beautiful and perfect and we are meant for each other. Is it weird that I still feel butterflies when I see you? Well I do. You know why? Because every time I see you, I think of how beautiful you are, and how smart you are, and how lucky I am to have you in my life. And most of all? I think of how in only a few short minutes you will be Mrs Harry Edward Styles. I love you babe. And even though we aren't always together physically, I will always be with you in your heart. Thank you for marrying me."

I looked down at the love of my life, who now had tears in her eyes, as she began her vows.

"Harricent Edward Styles, I remember the time we first met. I had threatened you, for that was my job. But I also remember what came after. The adventure we shared, and all the bumps on the road were just the start of our beautiful relationship. You are perfect to me, and no-one could ever replace you in my heart. I love you so much that it hurts, and I can't wait to be your wife. I remember when you proposed to me, at this very beach, and you were so nervous. Your beautiful green eyes looked up at me expectantly, and when you thought I was going to say no, I remember the tears that formed. But I could never say no to you, do you know why? Because despite all we have been through you are the only person for me. I love you."

It was my turn to have tears in my eyes, at the small speech that my princess had just given. I stared at her as the priest began to talk again. I had zoned out, until he said those twelve words that I had been waiting for: "I now pronounce you man and wife. You may kiss the bride."

I smashed my lips onto hers, and again the butterflies were back. Pulling apart, I became aware of our surroundings. My mum was crying, and so was Gemma. I grinned at them both, before grabbing Angel's hand and beginning to walk down the aisle. We reached the end of the passage way and began to make our way to the car that would take us to the reception. As we reached the limo, I opened the door so Angel could climb in. She did, and I followed her, as the driver took off.

"So Mrs Styles, can I ask you a question?" I spoke.

"You just did Mr Styles." She sassed.

"Can I ask you two questions?" I asked.

"That was one, what is the second?" She questioned.

"What does it feel like to be married?"

"Hmm. It feels... Perfect. I love you Harry."

"I love you too Mrs Styles."

"You aren't going to stop calling me that are you?"

"Nope. Because it shows all those other idiots that you are mine."

"And I wouldn't have it any other way." She whispered, kissing me, just before the limo came to a stop.

~Angel's POV~

He linked our hands before I could clamber out of the car. Pulling me closer, he smacked a kiss onto my lips.

"Neither would I. Now, lets go to our reception and so I can show off the new Mrs Harricent Styles." He said. I pecked his lips once more, before exiting the car and walking into our wedding reception, hand in hand with the man I love.


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