Chapter 14 - Your feminine side

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"No." I stated.

"Why not? They won't recognize you in that outfit." Harry told me.

"Harry get it through your thick head that I will not be wearing a pink dress."

"But it suits you! I mean pink is the new black."

"Harricent, I think your feminine side is finally shining through."

"Hey!" he said.

"Hay is for horses. I thought I had already taught you that." I told him.

"Whatever. So are you going to get it?" he asked me.

"No." I told him.

"Okay." He replied, as I walked to the counter to pay for our clothes.

We had just arrived at a small shopping mall and were currently shopping for new clothes and shoes. I walked over to the cash register and placed the items in front of a perky young blonde. She began scanning them.

"And this one." Harry said, placing the pink dress on the counter.

"Harry I don't want that dress!" I said.

"Consider it a present." He told me.

"I'm paying for it. How is it a present?" I asked.

"The thought Angel. The thought." He said.

"Aw. You guys are so cute!" The sales assistant chimed in. "How long have you been dating?"

"Who us? No we aren't dating..." I began.

"More like friends." Harry said.

"Colleagues!" I butted in.

"Oh, that's too bad. You would be, like, so cute together!" she squealed.

"No we would-" I began but was cut off by Harry.

"I know. I keep asking her out, but she just says no!"

"Harry, what are you doing?" I whisper/yelled.

"Pleasing the crowd." He gestured at the girl.

"Oh honey! Why would you reject such a strong, handsome man?" she giggled.

"Um," I began.

"Yeah Angel, why?" Harry asked.

I sent him a glare and kicked him in the shin.

"Never mind, I know why. Because Angel here is so scared of love. Right Angel?" Harry said, grabbing the clothes.

This earned him another glare.

"Bye love!" Harry said, winking at the sales assistant. She blushed as we walked out of the store.

"What was that?" I yelled at him, earning a few weird looks from other people.

"Um..." Harry began.

"You know what Harry? Maybe I am scared of love, because for me it always turned out wrong. And maybe it's growing up without a family talking, but I hate love! It is a childish idea, based on fantasies and Disney movies. So excuse me for being scared of love!" I ranted.

"You grew up without a family?" he asked, concern evident in his eyes.

"What? No!" I tried to cover up for myself.

"Angel, what happened in your past?" he asked.

"Nothing. I don't want to talk about it." I told him.

"Angel..." he began.

"I don't want to talk about it! Leave me alone!" I felt a tear leak down my cheek. Great, another crack in my rude façade.

"Okay. Do you want to talk about something else? Like what we are doing next?" he asked me.

"Sure," I sniffed. "Thanks for the distraction."

"No problem. And besides I actually want to know what we are doing next." He told me.

"We are getting haircuts." I told him. He covered his head protectively.

"But I love my hair!" he cried.

"Well to bad bucko. They'll be scanning satellites, computers, or any cellular devises for us. We need to look different." I replied.

"But, but, but... fine." He said.

"Good boy. Now let's go." I told him, as we walked towards a hair salon.

~10 minutes later~

I laughed as the obviously gay hair stylist drooled over Harry. I mean, who wouldn't? He's hot. Wait. What?

Anyway, this man was chatting away with Harry, whilst he styled Harry's hair into a quiff. Harry sat very uncomfortably, whilst the stylist gave him goo-goo eyes.

"I'm not sure about this haircut." Harry said.

"Don't worry darling, I will make you fabulous!" he said.

"Whatever you say." Harry replied.

Soon the man was finished with Harry's new hairstyle, and was waving me over. I sat down at the chair, and soon his hands were all over my hair.

"So, darling, what can I do for you? Personally I think a cut and a change of colour, but-"

"What colour?" I cut him off.

"I think blonde. Not a bright bleach blonde but-" he began.

"I agree. It would look good." I said.

"Is this a thing? Do you cut me off?" he asked me.

"Sorry." I grinned sheepishly.

"Anyway, darling, as I was saying, blonde will look amazeballs on you!" he cried dramatically.

"Okay. Work your magic." I told him.

"Sure, darling, but that hunk has to leave the room first. We will make your little boyfriend drool over you!" He told me.

"He's not my boyfriend. And also no can do. Can he just wait over there?" I asked.

"Fine," the stylist sighed.

Twenty minutes, hair dye, a straightening iron, and a little bit of the stylist's magic later, I was a blonde. I walked over to Harry, and tapped him on the shoulder.

"Wow. You look hot." He said.

I stared at him.

He blushed. Aw. I mean... Ew.

"Um. I didn't mean that." He said.

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"Shoot! I don't mean you aren't hot, I just mean that, well, and you're okay, like pretty, but not. I mean you are pretty, but you aren't like hot. I mean you are hot. I mean-"

I cut him off by putting a finger over his lips. His eyes widened and I quickly removed my hand.

"You look good Angel."

"Thanks Harry." I told him. "You don't look too bad yourself." He smiled, his award winning smile, and sent me a wink.

"I know love. I know."

I glared at him, but only got a smirk in return. We walked up towards the counter and paid for our new haircuts.

As soon as we walked out of the store there was a voice over the intercom.

'Harry Styles and Angel Queen, can you please report to security? Harry Styles and Angel Queen, please report to security?'

"Angel Queen? Your name is Angel Queen?" Harry burst out laughing.

"Harry, we need to go!" I cried.

"Shoot!" He yelled.

"Harry!" I yelled, pointing at a man who was sprinting towards us. Mr Shive.

"Run Angel!" he cried.

We sprinted out of the mall and towards our car. I threw the clothes in the back and jumped in the driver's seat. Harry slid into the passenger seat next to me, and we sped off towards the first safe house.

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