Chapter 7 - Harricent something Styles

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'Harricent something Styles get your lazy butt out of my car,'' I said, poking the super star in the face, for the third time.

You see for the last half an hour I have been trying to get the half asleep singer out of my car and into the office. I had tried everything: Hitting him, shaking him, tickling him, I even tried pulling his hair.

But this lazy person would not budge.

'Mmph,' he moaned.

'Harricent!' I said.

He rolled over.

'Go away Hulk,' he mumbled.

'I said, get your lazy butt up.'

'Angel, go away or I swear-' he began but I interrupted him.

'What? Will you write a trashy pop song about me or something?' I questioned.

He moaned in reply and rolled over.

I poked him again.

When he made no movement I unbuckled his seat belt and moved him so he was lying down in the back of the car. I took a large cushion out of the back seat, and placed it 10 metres behind the car.

'Car, please eject the back seats.' I said quietly.

There was a spring noise and soon Harry was flying though the air, screaming profanities at me.

I began to laugh. Hard. Like the roll on floor, clutch your stomach hard. It is not every day that you get to see a famous person fly through the air after being ejected out of a spy car...

He landed on the cushion that I had put on the ground.

'Angel! What was that for?!' he bellowed.

'What? This?' I asked him, as I tipped cold water over his head.

'ANGEL!' he yelled.

'You looked thirsty,' I shrugged.

'I did not,' he replied, sticking his tongue out.

'Oh yeah. Real mature Harricent,' I retorted.

He replied by sticking his tongue out again.

'Follow.' I told him, as I began to walk into the building.

We walked up to the front desk.

'Angel with the captive to see Mr Shive,' I told the lady.

'You will have to wait,' she told me, gesturing towards a row of hard plastic chairs outside reception.

'Oh hell no.' I said, grabbing Styles and strolling though reception.

'Miss!' the receptionist called. 'I must insist that you-'

I pointed my gun at her.

'I must insist that you proceed,' she repeated, meekly.

'Thanks, but I would have kept going anyway,' I said, walking away.

We weaved between desks and were soon at Mr Shive's office.

'Hey boss man,' I said as I strolled into the room.

'Angel. Always a pleasure. And this must be Mr Styles,' he said. 'Angel I need you to watch him for five minutes while I go get the paperwork.'

'No can do. I am not babysitting Harricent again,' I said calmly.

'Yeah. Please do not leave me here with this psychopath,' he said worriedly.

'Angel I also need to pick up your reward,' he told me.

'But sir,' I began.

'So you don't want a freeze ray?' he asked.

'You better get me a freeze ray! I did not put up with that for 15 hours, for no reason. I demand that you get me my freeze ray,' I told him. 'Or else I'll go all Jackie Chan on your butt.'

'Watch Mr Styles. He looks like a runner,' he said before exiting the room.

'Whatever you say Mr boss man,' I replied.

I walked over to Mr Shive's desk and sat on his swivel chair.

'So Harricent, which form of torture will it be? Snakes, spiders, beetles or spoons?' I questioned him.

'What? You are serious?' he asked, panic in his tone. 'I think spoons. They aren't deadly.'

'Harricent, everyone in this building is trained to kill. Right now I am thinking of several ways that I could kill you with a spoon,' I said matter of faclty.

'Whatever. Liam is scared of spoons, not me,' he retorted.

'Liam. The one who dressed as a psycho dancer for that music video of yours?'

'Yep. Now stay with me cause I'm quite quick, now, 5, 6, 7, 8. 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. And Niall for the shimmy, for the shimmy, for the shimmy. And Zayn pirouette. And Louis do the splits. And Liam you stay exactly where you are, because you are Per. Fect.' he replied.

'Wow Harry. Just when I thought that your little boy band couldn't get any stupider, you managed to become more girly!' I chirped.

Before he could answer Mr Shive walked in followed by 3 large guys.

'Here is your reward Angel. One freeze ray. Now Harry will be escorted to an intelligence room by these men. You are free to go. Oh and don't go crazy and freeze everyone in the office,' he told me.

'Three heavies to replace me? How pathetic,' I said as I froze one of the heavies.

'Well two now,' one of the heavies said.

'Whatever,' I said, walking out of the room.

Harry and the heavies followed.

I walked the opposite way to them but before I could leave a voice called out to me.

'Hey Angel! Do I ever get to know your identity?' Harry asked.

'No Harry. My face is not very... nice and you can't force me to take it off. I am sorry but I can't show you my identity. It would probably scar you for life,' I told him.

'No it wouldn't. She is hot,' a voice said.

I turned around and froze the same idiot who had wolf whistled at me earlier in the week.

When I froze him I realized that the whole office was looking at us.

'What are you looking at. Do you want to be frozen?' I asked them.

Everyone turned back to their work.

'Sayonara Harricent. Hopefully our paths don't cross again,' I told him, giving him a big smile.

I turned and walked the other way, but not before hearing a faint: 'Bye Angel. Hopefully they do cross again.'

As I walked away I made a to do list of what to do now that I was home: Take a hot shower and change into something comfortable, eat warm food and slap the guy who said I was hot.

I Kidnapped Harry StylesWhere stories live. Discover now