Chapter 26 - Run

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I kept searching for the antidote, and came across a small flask. It was the size of my little finger, and on it was a pair of angel wings. The liquid inside was pale blue, and did not glow. I took that as a good sign, and grabbed a needle, running towards Harry. He looked horrible. His eyes were rolled back in his head, his skin had paled and a thin sheet of sweat covered his face. I crossed my fingers and jabbed the needle into Harry's neck. He went still.

His eyes closed, and he became limp. Tears sprang to my eyes. Had I killed Harry? I searched his body, for a sign of life, a pulse, anything. I stuck my ear to his mouth. Good. He was breathing for now.

Obviously Mr Shive thought different. A door opened, and three heavies entered.

"We have to kill you now."


One of the heavies let out a light chuckle.

"This will be easy boys." He glanced at the others, who nodded in agreement. I glared at them.

Suddenly one lunged at me. I dodged him and he threw a few punches at me, one striking my jaw, knocking me to the ground. I jumped back up and roundhouse kicked him in the face, ripping the gun out of his belt and shooting him through the forehead. I fired a shot at another one, and he fell to he ground, blood seeping out of the wound on his chest. I ran towards the broken tank, leading the final one away from Harry. Grabbing a bit of glass, I sliced at his cheek, drawing blood. He kicked me in the stomach hard, grabbing me from behind.

"Now, you die girly." His stale breath made its way to my nose, as I tried not to gag.

I tried to get out of his grip, but it was too strong. Spotting something out of the corner of my eye, I decided it was my last hope. Using all my strength, I threw both of our bodies towards the electric fence, and since he had metal on his shoulders and belt, it affected him badly. However his tight grip on me, made sure that the electricity had the same effect.

The electricity coursed through my body. It hurt. So damn much. My eyes grew hooded as the electricity ripped through me. The heavie's arms fell limp, and I ripped out of his grip, falling to the ground. I could still feel the electricity coursing through me, but I crawled towards Harry anyway. Grabbing onto the table I pulled myself up, and undid Harry's restraints.

Pulling him off the table and into my arms, I walked towards the door, carrying Harry in my arms. I kicked it down and limped out towards the door. I walked through the familiar halls, towards the exit, when suddenly I came across a familiar room. The weapon room.

I walked inside, grabbing a freeze ray, some car keys and a handful of small remote operated bombs.

I placed the freeze rays on Harry's limp body and dropped the small bombs all over the hallways, as I ran towards the car park. There were two guards near the door, but I soon froze them. I clicked the button on the car keys and ran to the car, placing Harry in the back. Putting one final bomb on the car I knew to be Mr Shive's and drove away.Crawling into the front seat, I turned the keys in the ignition.

'Agent name?' The car asked.


'There is no Angel in the system.'

"Drive, by order of Mr Shive."

'Yes Angel.'

Only when I was a good street away, do I set off the first bomb. It explodes with a loud bang, setting one section of the building on fire. I explode the second, then the third, then the fourth. I could see a figure pull out of the building in a black car, and that was when I set off the final bomb. The car blew into a million pieces, and I saw Mr Shive fly through the air and land on the ground.

I took one final look at the place were I once thought that I belonged, where I could do my job safely. And then I drove towards the nearest hospital.

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