Chapter 9 - Avada Kedavra and horrible stitches

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'Ow. Ow. Son of a-'

'Would you shut up?' I asked Harry.

'But it hurts!' he whined.

'Stop being a baby,' I told him. 'I have barely touched you.'

'But it stings!' he cried, as I poured antiseptic onto the wound on his arm.

He winced and let out a hiss of pain.

'Harry. You need to calm down. I am about to stitch it up, and I need you to relax for me to do so.' I told him.

'I can't relax!' he whimpered.

'Fine.' I said.

'Hey Angel?' he asked as I picked up the needle and thread.

'Yeah Harry?' I replied.

'Thank you. I know you sacrificed your job to save me, and without you, I would probably be dead.'

'I think I just threw up,' I retorted sarcastically.

'I'm serious. Thanks,' he said.

'So am I.' I winked at him.

Then I stuck the needle into his arm.


I cut him off by stuffing a ball of cotton wool in his mouth.

'Mmph,' he said.

'What?' I asked once I had finished stitching his arm.

He spat the cotton out.

'I said that I think I might die from your retarded stitches. Seriously who taught you how to do this? A five year old?' he questioned.

I glared at him.

'At least my stitches aren't as bad as your face,' I retorted.

This time it was his turn to glare.

'Whatever,' he sighed. 'Anyway, now that I know your identity I think we should get to know each other.'

'Nope. I pass.' I told him.

'Why? Got some deep secret that you keep under that rude façade of yours?' he joked.

I felt myself tense up.

'Angel? I was kidding. Are you okay?' he questioned. 'I didn't mean to upset you.'

I put on an unreadable facial expression and turned to face him.

'It is fine. Drop it.' I told him.

'Ok,' he said. 'Do you still want to play?'

'Sure,' I answered, as I walked over to the fridge and grabbed two cokes.

I threw one at him, which surprisingly he managed to catch.

'So,' he began. 'Is Angel your real name?'

'Yep, always has been.' I told him truthfully. 'What about you? Is your real name Harry? Or is it Harricent?'

'Harry. Like Harry Potter.'

I shot him a confused look.

'You know the wizard. Who can do magic?' he questioned.

'Please. The closest thing you can do to magic is make people actually like your music. I mean seriously. What makes you beautiful? You should have just named it: An auto-tuned song starring a girl we paid to be here.' I told him.

'Are you mocking me?' he asked.

'Yup,' I replied, giving him a bright smile.

'Avada Kedavra!' he cried suddenly.

I stared at him, confused.

He stared back. And then his mouth dropped open.

'You have never read Harry Potter, have you?' he asked me.

'No,' I replied slowly.

'What!' he cried. 'How have you not read Harry Potter? It is one of the best books of all time!'

'I don't have time for reading,' I shrugged.

'But it's Harry Potter!' he cried.

'Meh,' I replied.

He looked taken aback.

'You monster!' he cried. And then he stopped talking.

A minute went by. And then two. And then three.

'Harricent Something Styles. Are you ignoring me?' I questioned.

He stayed quiet.

'Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Harry, Har-'

'Fine. What do you want?' he cried.

'Nothing,' I smiled sweetly.

He sent me a glare and then turned away from me, grabbing his can of coke on the way.

I saw his arms move before I felt it.

Cold, sticky, sweet, coke. Being poured. Down my body.

I screamed. Harry lurched back surprised.

'Harry!' I yelled.

'Yes?' he replied sweetly.

'What was that?' I asked.

'Nothing,' he smiled at me.

I shot him a death glare, before swiftly grabbing him by his arm, and pouring my coke down on him.

He yelped in surprise, before grabbing my arms and pinning them to my side. I found myself pressed up against his chest.

I stared into his eyes. He stared into mine.

I pushed him away from me and into a puddle of coke.

'Revenge is a dish best served sticky!' I said, as he scrambled out of the pool of coke.

'Angel!' he cried.

I began to walk away.

'Where are you going?' he asked me.

'To shower?' I replied.

'Oh. Right.' he trailed off.

'Harry? What is wrong?' I asked.

'You really have never read Harry Potter?' he asked.

'Yup,' I replied.

'Tell you what. If you read the Harry Potter books, I will write a song for you.' he proposed.

'A girly song, like all your others?' I asked.

'Yep,' he told me.

'I'll think about it.' I replied, before walking away.

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