Chapter 24 - He's gone

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I woke up with a pounding headache. The room I was in, was the same one that I was in when I blacked out. And the same one that Harry was... Oh.

Harry. I sat up, which only caused my headache to increase. Something small was tucked in my hand, and upon closer look I could tell that it was a note. I un-crumpled it and began to read.

Good job Agent. I'm impressed. You could keep that little pop star out of my reach for over a week. This was a fun game, but we both knew that I would always win. However, I have a proposal for you, to keep the game going. Below is a clue, as to where I am keeping Harry. For everyday that you don't arrive, Harry goes through a different form of torture.

Where his blood was shed, and angel wings spread.

People frozen at the sight, you escaped into the night.

This is where you must go.

Good luck Angel. Harry's life depends on you.

I gasped. I had to find him. I thought over where he might be. 'Where his blood was shed, and angel wings spread.' Well where did Harry bleed? That night I kidnapped him. When I saved him from Mr Shive. Actually, I remember making angel wings out of ice when I rescued Harry from Mr Shive.

'People froze at the sight, you escaped into the night.' Well I remember also freezing Mr Shive and the heavies and Harry and I did escape from the torture room.

'This is where you must go.' I have to leave right now. I sprinted to the car, grabbing my bag on the way. The only weapon that I had left was my watch and my pocket knife.

Turning the key in the ignition, I started the car. Suddenly the engine spluttered. I threw open the door, and ran to the front of the car to check the engine. Just as I thought. Someone had tampered with it. I kicked it, leaving a large dint in the front.

Deciding to go on foot, I grabbed my stuff and began the walk. I ran for an hour, finally reaching the place where I traded my bike. Thankfully it was still open. The same man from before was there.

"Hello. How is the car?"

"It sucks, I'm taking my bike back."

"You can't do that." I punched him, knocking him out, before grabbing the keys from behind the bench.

"I wasn't asking." Stuffing my belongings in the seat, I hopped on my bike and sped away.

~Many hours later~

I had been driving for nine hours, and had only just reached Ray's house. Knocking on the door, with weapon and bags in hand, I waited for Ray to open. It was now about 6:00pm.

The door slowly opened, revealing Ray.


"Hi Ray."

"Well, I didn't expect to see you for ages. Where's Harry?" I stiffened and he must have noticed. "Oh no. Shive got him."

I nodded, and pulled out the note. Ray gasped, but kept a calm look on his face. Glancing up at me, and seeing that I was close to tears, he ushered me inside.

"Let me get you some food." I nodded, but didn't feel like eating. He brought me a plate of pasta, but I just picked at it.

"Angel, you need to eat."

"Why?" I asked. Why did I need to eat? Harry probably isn't eating.

"Because, If we're going to go save Harry, then you need your strength." I perked up, and began eating. A few minutes passed, before Ray spoke again.

"Where are your weapons?"

"Shive took them." I said. He nodded, and stood up, walking away. When he returned, he was carrying a large gun, two smaller rifles, two tasers, 3 knives and harness and some rope. I took the larger gun, and one of everything else.

"Do you have a dark suit?" Ray asked. I nodded, running off to grab my Black Widow cat suit. Walking into the bathroom, I got changed and strapped my weapons to the utility belt. When I walked back out Ray was in a black suit. He raised one eyebrow when he saw me.

"Twins!" I sent him a look that said shut up.

"Are you ready?" I asked.

"Yep. You?"

"Ready as I'll ever be." I walked out to my motorbike, and he walked to his. Yes Ray has a motorbike as well.

"You know the address?" I called. He nodded. "Then lets go." I jumped on my motorbike and sped off towards my boyfriend.

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