Chapter 8 - Beeping and beaten

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Beep. Beep. Beep.

This was the mechanical sound that drew me out of my sleep and into reality.

I smacked my alarm clock, hoping to get rid of the sound but it was still there. I picked up my alarm clock and threw it at the door, but the sound continued.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I slowly opened my eyes, in hope of finding the high pitched beeping that stopped me from resting.

Was it on the bedside table? Nope.

Floor? No way.

Bed? No.

The sound continued as I jumped out of my bed and lazily shuffled towards my bag from the mission.

There was a red flashing light coming from the bag, and the closer I got, the louder the sound was.

Beep. Beep. Beep.

I opened my bag to see a small device. As I looked closer I saw that it was the second piece of the tracking device that I had put on Harry. The piece that shows you where the subject is.

And by looking at the screen on the small device I could see that Harry was in fact still in the office. But not in an interview room, like Mr Shive had told me.

No, Harry was in a beating/interrogation room, which was only used on hard-core criminals.

And judging by the monitor his heart rate was low. Very low. Unhealthily low.

I had to find him.

Pulling on my black widow suit, and grabbing my freeze ray, I ran to my car, and sped towards the office. I parked a block away, and crept silently to the gate.

After freeze raying the guards, I froze every security camera in the building, before picking the lock and sneaking through the door.

I quietly made my way towards the beating/interrogation room that Styles was apparently in.

On the monitor I could see Curly's heart rate getting lower, so I quickened my speed.

As I approached the room I pulled out my wrist watch/security camera scrambler and scrambled every security camera.

I walked over to the door, and without thinking twice, punched it in. It flew to the other side of the room, narrowly missing a pale, unconscious body on the floor.


He was lying in a pool of blood, which was seeping out of a nasty wound on his right arm. His face was bruised and his skin was pale. I felt a sudden surge of familiarity, but quickly pushed it to the back of my mind.

I rushed over, and felt his pulse. It was slow and irregular. Going on instinct I attempted to resuscitate him. After many failed attempts, I finally decided to give him mouth to mouth.

Lowering my head towards his unconscious face, I began giving Harry mouth to mouth. I stopped and felt his pulse again. It had quickened. Checking the monitor, I could tell his heart rate was almost back to normal.

I gave him mouth to mouth once more, and this time his eyes fluttered open.

'Harry, who did this to you?' I asked.

He let out a low moan, as if making any other sound would pain him.

'Harry? Try speaking.' I suggested to him.

He opened his mouth, but no sound came out.

Suddenly he let out a whimper, as he inched into the fatal position.

'Why Angel, what a surprise,' a cold, familiar voice said.

I turned around to see none other than my boss, Mr Shive.

'I could say the same. What did you do to Harricent?' I replied.

'Just a little interrogation,' he told me.

'A little interrogation? If this is what you call a little interrogation, then I would hate to see a lot. Nearly killing this girly pop star, is a little? Man, you are crazy!' I retorted. 'So I ask you again. What did you do to Harry?'

'I didn't do anything. However three heavies did do a bit of... work.'

I slapped him.

And then I kicked him.

And then I slapped him again.

But before I could strike him again, he tripped me and pinned me to the floor, holding a gun to my head.

So I decided to do my signature move. And kick him in the crown jewels. He fell to the floor, where I froze him and ran over to Harry.

I grabbed his body and shook him, trying to calm him down. He wouldn't budge, and kept in the fatal position.

Suddenly there was a hissing noise.

I froze as the door slowly opened, revealing the three heavies.

I ran over and threw one into a wall knocking him out cold. The next threw a punch at me, which I swiftly dodged, before throwing one of my own, and knocking one of his teeth out. I then kicked him in his prise jewels, causing him to double over. The third pulled out a gun, and cocked it at me, before firing. It whistled through the air, just missing my head. I swiftly pulled out my own freeze ray, and shot at the man, freezing him to the wall.

I quickly ran over to Harry and pulled him up, carrying him. Before I left the room, I froze the shape of two angel wings on the door, and froze the two unconscious heavies.

I quickly sprinted to the car, still carrying Harry. I threw him into the back seat and began to drive to my apartment.

'Harry, it is ok, you are safe, it is Angel.' I told him.

He slowly unfurled and lay down in the back seat with a small whimper. I could tell he wanted to sleep,

'Thank you,' he croaked. 'But-'

He paused when he looked up.

'Angel?' he asked.

'What?' I replied.

'Where is your mask?' he questioned.

I reached up and touched my face. Shoot. Cue face palm at my stupidity.

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