Chapter 30 - Thank you

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Jumping off the bike, I sighed and stretched out my legs, hearing cracking noises. Grabbing Harry's hand, I began to pull him towards the building, when suddenly he stopped walking.

"What if they don't want to see me?"


"No, what if they hate me?! What if they hate you? I can't let them hate you, I love you."

I pressed my lips to his.

"Calm down. It will be okay." We continued to walk towards the gate, but were stopped by a security guard.

"I'm sorry, but I'll need ID." He stated.

"Oh, let me get mine!" I chirped. reaching into my pocket, I pulled my hand back out, and clenched it into a fist. "It's right here." I punched him in the nose.


"What?" I smiled innocently, walking to the front door and knocking. I knocked again, and this time the door was answered by a small brunette woman.

"Hello, how may I help you dear?" She looked into my eyes, her's holding back sadness and anger.

"Hi. I believe that I have something that belongs to you." I stated.

She crinkled her nose. "What?" Stepping out of the way, I revealed Harry, who burst into tears at the sight of his mum.


"Mum." At this, the woman burst into tears as well, wrapping her small frame around Harry's larger one.

"Mum, who is it. If it another fan who tried to sneak in, I swear...." A girl with ombre hair appeared at the door, stopping short at the sight of Harry. Tears welled in her eyes, as she tackled Harry into a hug.

I couldn't help but feel a bit jealous. I mean, she was gorgeous. My eyes dropped to the floor, just as a large hand wrapped around mine.

"Mum, Gemma, I want you to meet my girlfriend, Angel Queen. She helped me escape." Both their eyes widened, and suddenly I was tackled into a hug by Harry's mum.

"You brought my baby home. Thank you." She sobbed. A feeling of guilt spread through my stomach, as I wrapped my arms around the woman, who continued to sob. Once she had unlatched herself from me, the next girl pulled me into a hug.

"Thanks for bringing my brother home. You're my hero." She cried, as I patted her back comfortingly. Once both women had calmed down, we were ushered inside.

I took a seat on a fluorescent pink couch. Glancing at Harry, who had sat next to me, I poked him. "This is a very feminine couch. If you picked this, I might have to dump you." i whispered, kissing his cheek. He laughed and wrapped an arm around my waist.

"Boys!" Harry's mum, Anne, cried out.

"What?" An Irish accent asked.

"Come down here! All of you, including you Zayn. Put. The mirror. Down." I chuckled, as four sets of footsteps sprinted down the stairs.

"What is it Anne?" The one who I recognized as Louis questioned. Stepping into the room, he saw Harry. He looked as if he was about to faint. Suddenly another boy ran into him. This one I recognized as Liam. A third boy joined them, I think his name was Niall. Both had the same shocked effect as Louis.

Suddenly a fourth boy joined us. He was tanner, and had dark brown hair, styled perfectly into a quiff. I gasped as I recognized the boy who I had shot in the back. Zayn. He looked at me, and recognition registered in his eyes, opening his mouth to speak, but making no sound, he stood still, dumbstruck like the other boys.

"Lads!" Harry cried, running towards them. This seemed to break them out of their trance like state.

"HARRY!" Louis cried, wrapping the youngest boy into a hug. Soon all the boys were joined in a group hug, all of them shaking with tears. I sat silently on the couch, not wanting to disturb the moment. A few minutes later, when the boys had finally separated, Harry came back and took my hand.

"Lads, this is Angel. She helped me escape. Oh and she is my girlfriend, I hope you can accept her." I was wrapped in a huge bear hug by three boys, all of them crying.

"Thank you!

"You saved Hazza!"

"You are more awesome than carrots!" I shot a weird look at Louis, who had called out that last remark. He only shrugged, winking.

I looked over at Zayn, who was glaring at me, obviously knowing who I was.

"Can I talk to her please? Alone? I need to thank her." Zayn asked. All the boys nodded, exiting the room. I gave Harry a quick kiss, before turning to face Zayn.

"I know who you are." He whispered.

"Oh really? Who am I?"

"You are Harry's kidnapper."

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