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Felix and I open the car's small blue door. We've seen the erudite sector before, but from a distance. Glass buildings loom over us, tall and spindly. Crowds of blue clad folk of all ages walk in groups, chatting about famous quotes and books. I don't reconize anyone, which makes me feel lonely. Felix stands tall beside me, but we both look out of place amongst the blue clothed erudite. Jeanine begins to walk away leading us ininates through the crowds of curious erudite. Some of the initiates were originally erudite, while the rest of us are faction transfers. Our footsteps crackle on the cobblestone pavements, echoing back to us in the sea of blue and glass buildings. Jeanine points to her left, "These buildings here are the libraries." Tall buildings stretch up, their glass walls allowing me to glimpse the tallest bookshelves I've ever seen. All the multi coloured spines of books, ladders and neat rows, give the libraries a feeling of tidiness and sloppiness at the same time. I can't wait to go in there sometime. Felix rubs my fingers gently, warming my numb hand with his soft, sweet touch. I almost forgot that he was holding me, as it felt quite beautiful. Maybe even natural.

Jeanine comes to an abrupt halt. "Here we are initiates, the initiate housing faculty. You'll be living here for now. I'll leave you with Ariana."

I only notice the young woman when Jeanine has said her name. The lady's cheeks are rosy with chill, but her skin is of the palest white hue. Her hair is a dark muddy coloured brown, as muddy as the remains of the swamp. Ariana's facial expression is serious, strict and knowledgable, just the expected look of an erudite member. Ariana wears simple black framed glasses, and her casual blue dress seems as serious as she appears. Her eyes glimmer, shinning a deep azure blue, reminding me of the darkest depths of the waterfall back at the dauntless compound.

The thought of the waterfall sends a sting through me. A pang of sadness and pain. A pain in my heart, and chest that spreads throughout my weary body. Is Cal sitting in the tattoo shop sketching the letter t that he spoke of? Or inking tattoos on customers? Is dad missing me, loathing me or both? Does the complex feel lonely without me and Felix, or is the excitement of new initiates pushing away the loss of us? Are there initiates walking near my house, or enjoying the waterfall?

Felix seems to sense my discomfort. I feel his hand graze my shoulder, his touch warm and his gaze sympathetic. "I miss them too. Even your pansycake brother." He whispers, his voice gentle, mocking, kind and sly. He really seems to be dauntless, not erudite. His teasing is normal, but I feel as if he's treating me in a special way. A few days ago, this would have discomforted me but I think we've both grown since then. Felix is acting like we were best friends for our whole life, which maybe we should have been. We're very alike, now that I think of it. We match in an odd way, the perfection of a best friend relationship that we never had. It's nice that we aren't fighting though, for now I have at least one person by my side. I feel his warm hand stroking my hair admiringly, soothing and relaxing me. Somehow, he reminds me of Cal. Felix's touch sends shivers down my body, and fills my very heart and soul with an admiration and nervousness of him. I want to be a friend of his instead of a mere aquaintace, but I feel as if he is my friend. There is something magical about the happy fluttering that fills my chest for the first time. A fluttering caused by him. This emotion, this joyful feeling, I just don't understand it. I've never felt that way about any person, especially Felix. What is it?

Ariana looks at all of the initiates before her, studying each of us with a deep interest. "You all choose erudite because you were intelligent I hope." She says. Her voice is a perplexing one, unlike any I've heard before. Her voice isn't deep, but it's more deep than high. Her tone is a calm and crisp one, making her seem superior to us in every way. "Those of you who are not curious, hard working, intelligent or gifted do not belong in out faction." Felix shudders slightly at this comment. It does not seem like he believes he is any of those things and I don't see him that way either. Felix has always seemed dauntless to the core. Ariana continues, "I encourage questions, for gaining answers is what erudite enjoy most. Our initation is not an easy one, and is not for the ignorant or faint hearted. Those of you that cannot meet the minimum intelligence level after rigorous studying shall be discarded from our faction, to become factionless." A gasp breaks out among the shocked initiates. "An erudite should be able to succeed when they have studied, even under such a pressure. Those of you that do not make effort do not belong in erudite, as an erudite will try hard and study until they are sure of their failure."

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