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The windy tower before me seems so unwelcoming. I want to live, I want to stay alive. I approach the rope before me, gripping it tight. A boy runs up behind me, I hear his clattering footsteps running up behind me. My blonde hair whips around me in the wind, I clutch the thick rope more tightly curling my fingers around its leathery coil. "Divergent!" The boy screams, "I'm supposed to report divergents. Are you a divergent?" I say nothing. "Are you scared divergent? Are you afraid of being discovered? Are you worried about. falling from that rope? Are you a coward?" He asks, his mud coloured hair being tossed about his pale face. The young boy's expression is cruel and mocking. His black clothes assure me of his bravery, telling me that he's a dauntless. I don't want to lie. Lying is wrong, lying is cruel like the dauntless, a tool that can only protect you for so long. No matter how much you cover your tracks, your lies are always discovered. Then, the punishment becomes worse.

"Yes," I say shivering, "yes, I'm afraid of climbing along this rope."

"Are you divergent?" He asks. I don't want to lie. Lying is evil. Lying is cruel. I must lie. I must protect my darkest seceret. If he knows of my divergence I could be killed. My truth will get me murdered. Murder is wrong. Murder is evil. Murder is cruel. I will not give him the satisfaction of that brutality. He won't murder me. I must lie. I have to protect my seceret. I think of my family in the candor sector. I picture my friends and my enemies. I see my goals and triumphs. I must live, I want to do more.

"No." I lie, telling one of my extremely rare falsehoods, "I am candor."

I feel a soft thud. I open my sweat covered eyes. My whole body tingles. I am weakened. I feel delicate and weary. I'm so tired. Jeanine turns to face me, grinning slightly. "Well done Brianne. You've stayed in longer than Felix. It's likely you beat him." She frowns, watching Vic. "She's taking her time. Hopefully that means high scores."

"Why does staying in longer likely mean better scores?" Felix asks.

Jeanine seems to enjoy questions. She loves making us look dumb with her intelligent answers too. "My test is designed to test divergence. Divergence is when you are level in two factions instead of one. The test tries to unbalance you, trying to make one attribute stronger than the other. It puts you through four personal and complicated situations, based on your fears, hopes, dreams and secerets. If you could get through all four situations you'd be one hundred percent divergent, but I believe such a score isn't possible, just as it's impossible to get four factions in my test and almost impossible to get three."

"Has anyone ever received three?" Felix asks.

"Two people in all it's thirty six years of existence. Not many. It's externally rare you see. It's hard enough to get two factions, let alone three." Jeanine states.

"How much longer will Vic take?" I wonder, "I want to see the scores."

"I don't think she'll be much longer." Jeanine answers, "but I'm looking forward to seeing her percentage."

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