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Cal and I walk together, heading back to our rooms after a hearty meal. I turn my gaze to my brother. We're both tired out, to exhausted to run or sprint like we usually do. I've always wondered why my brother is such an artist, because believe me, that's not a dauntless thing. He's strong and fast, he got one of the top scores in initation. Why did he choose to be a tattoo artist when he could of got one of the top dauntless jobs? My brother may be tall, swift and muscular, but sometimes I wonder if he's what I'd define as a stereotypical dauntless. He seems to avoid fights, and he doesn't seem as against the amity as most dauntless. He pretends to be, of course he does. He calls them pansycakes, he claims that they drive him crazy, but I sometimes doubt if he really thinks that.

"Hey, Cal?" I say.

"Yeah Vic?"

"What faction did you get?" I ask.

"Dauntless," he answers, talking a bit too loudly and quickly, "dauntless, of course." I think he's lying to me. We never lie to each other! We've always trusted eachother with everything. I did lie to him though. But, I had to! I'm divergent! Cal avoids eye contact all the way back to my room. When we get there he opens the door and leaves without saying goodbye. Cal must feel guilty. I want to know what he got in his aptitude test, I wonder if he's really dauntless at all.

"Hey, Vic. How'd the apititude test go?" I forgot all about my dad. I'm not really in the mood for questions, especially if I'll have to lie to my father. Somehow, I think that lying to dad will be easier than lying to Cal.

"Dad, we shouldn't be talking about it." I remind him, which is true. No one is meant to speak about their aptitude, it's one of those old rules. It isn't taken seriously like "faction before blood." We've all been told the rules in school. I remember seeing the words "faction before blood" in a textbook. Three textbooks actually.

"What did you do with your jacket Vic?" He asks.

"I gave it to an abnegation test administer to help block a mirror." I admit, without thinking about how my dad will react. There's been enough lying today, so I feel like I should at least tell him the truth about the jacket.

"Vic, you did what?" He asks, his voice loud and angry. I know why he's upset. That's not what dauntless do. That's what abnegation do. "You got abnegation didn't you? That's why you're refusing to talk about the test!"

"Dad calm down!" I don't want to deny it because I did get abnegation. I really want to tell him the truth.

"No! I won't just calm down! My daughter's probably going to leave dauntless and join her stupid abnegation buddies!" I don't like his loud and dangerous tone.

"Dad stop it! Shut up about the stupid test ok!" My sudden anger only makes things worse.

"Vic, how dare you speak to me this way! I'm your father not your brother!" He heads towards the door.

I don't think about what I'm doing, I'm itching to fight. I tackle him the way Cal taught me to. He falls down on his face. At this point I know we've both lost control. My father raises his fists and throws a good punch, but I duck and his hand sails past me and smacks into the wall. I hear a thud and a loud crunch as his tight fist hits the wall. He was punching hard. A large hand-shaped dent is left in the wall. A few splinters of wood and white wall paper flutter to the ground. While he attempts to pull his hand from the wall, I punch his head as hard as I can. It hurts my fists a little, but that small throbbing pain is nothing compared to what my dad must be feeling. His hand comes lose as I try to hit his nose. My father's fist whooshes at me and I don't have time to evade the hit. A pain throbs through my shoulder in the spot where he hit me. He raises his fist again, and I know he's going for my face. I lob his nose with hits until it bleeds, while he makes several attempts to smack me. This is going too far, I know it is.

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