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Felix sits beside me quietly. I stare at our room. It feels more like a cell, a prison or cage. The dusty stone floor is cold to the touch, but neither of us want to lie down on the tiny bunks that are attached to the wall. A musty stale smell tingles in my nose. Iron bars separate us from the door of this room. This cell has it's own door, but there is a small space between it and the door to the room. A feeling of neglect fills the room from courner to courner. I doubt it's been cleaned for years. The once white sheets on the beds are now a filthy grey. Both of us haven't said a word since we were brought here, each of us feeling grief in different ways. I can't cry anymore, all my tears seem to have gone dry and disappered. Brianne should be here, sitting beside Felix. Not me.

Felix glances up, he doesn't seem to have cried, because his eyes aren't red or puffy like mine. However, a glimmer of the ghost of tears does touch his eyes. Felix is as somber as ever, staring at me questionly. "Are you ok?" He asks, his usual tone slightly strained. I don't speak, how can I? I don't know what to say. His hand raises and touches my cheek. Felix brushes away loose hairs and the remains of tears from my eyes. "Be brave, Vic. Be brave like she asked you to." I nod, pressing my head into his lap. He adjusts himself, before he begins to stroke my hair. Felix's touch is so soft, so delicate, almost passionate or affectionate. His touch is warm and comforting, his expression gentle and soothing. Something about him makes me feel better. I wonder what it is. I suddenly realize what I want to do. I need to make sure we don't give Jeanine the means of destroying divergents. We need to stay immune to control, we need to stay us. "Vic?"

"Yeah?" I murmur, my voice hoarse and scratchy.

"Can I try something with you?"

"Not an experiment is it?" I grin, trying my best to laugh, but it comes more as a cough.

"Not really. Sit up." He says, not explaining anything. I obey, sitting straight beside him.

"What are we doing?" I ask.

"We're going to play candor or dauntless. You want to go first?"

"Candor or dauntless?" I inquire, already preferring this to sitting around doing nothing.

"Dauntless. You know the rules right?"

"I know how to play Felix."

"What's my dare stiff?" He asks mockingly.

"Why call me stiff?" I wonder.

"You got abnegation. Once a stiff always a stiff." He taunts.

"Don't be a jerk Felix."

"I won't call you stiff." He says sighing. Then he laughs and adds. "For now."

"Very reassuring Felix. I do have a dare ok? I dare you to run around this cell pretending to be a chicken. You have to be so loud that someone has to come and check on us. When they come, you have to stay in chicken mode until they leave." I finish chuckling.

"Fine." Felix says, "just don't say I didn't warn you!"

"Warn me about what?" I ask amused.

"My chicken impersonations are terrible."

"Get on with it pansycake, or you have to take of a article of clothing for failing the dare." I say.

"That wouldn't be too bad." He considers, "it's just us here."

"Then I have full permission to call you amity."

"Fine, I sure surrender. Chicken impersonations it is." Felix jokes. Then he jumps up, running around and flapping his arms, making very terrible chicken noises. He's already sending me into hysterics but what's even more funny is that someone actually comes to see what's going on.

"What the-" the dauntless security guard is interrupted by one of Felix's particularly loud clucking sounds. I burst into giggles as the man scowls. "What is-" but once again, Felix makes a loud high pitched chicken sound that leaves the dauntless man's sentence half finished. After several more attempts, the man leaves with a bewildered expression on his face.

"Good job Felix." I grin as Felix finally ends his chicken impersonating session.

"That was exausting. I am never pretending to be a chicken again." Felix gives a weary grunt before sitting beside me. He can't help but laugh, despite himself.

"That man's face though." I laugh, "I'll remember it forever."

"What the-" Felix mimics.

"My turn." I interrupt, "Ask the question."

"Candor or dauntless?"

"Candor." I say.

"Why? Are you a pansycake?" He questions.

"No, but you've already done dauntless. I'm stopping this game from getting boring, there's only so many dares you can do in a cell."

"I could get you to do duck impressions." Felix says.

"You wish. What's my question?" I ask.

"How do you feel about me?"

"I think of you as a friend. I know that much. Sometimes-" I hesitate.

"You have to tell me. Or you could take off your shirt."

"Sometimes I get special feelings about you. I don't- I just- I don't understand them." I admit.

"Umm-yeah. Ok. Candor or dauntless?"

"I just went." I remind him.

"Who cares?"

"Dauntless." I answer.

"Ok. I dare you to kiss me."

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