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My new roommates Kenny and Timothy sit reading. I'm to distracted to focus on them. What am I going to do? I don't think I can pass, I choose for Vic, not me. I'm not erudite at all really, but if Vic's stupid brother can live through dauntless initiation as a coward, I should be able to live through erudite initiation as an idiot. I wish Vic was in the same room as me. Both of the guys I'm stuck with are formal amity. Pansycakes if I ever saw them. Probably more chicken then Cal.

I imagine Vic as a dauntless. I never thought she would choose erudite. I didn't know that I'd have to choose between my family and her. But I chose her. I would choose her any day, at any time. I couldn't live without her. Ever since we were little I noticed something special about her. I used to think it was anger or jealously, but now I think it's something else. I love it when she smiles. Her smile is so soft and golden, yet so rare. Vic makes me feel special. She makes me feel real. I didn't want the feeling to go away. I choose her long ago, in my soul, in my dreams and in my heart. Is that what love is? A feeling deep in your very fibre telling you to protect someone with your life? Because if it is, I love Vic. Dauntless or erudite, she's special. I wonder if she's erudite at heart. Or did she choose them for another reason? What did she get on her aptitude test? How does she feel about me? Is she divergent like me? I didn't believe it when they told me I was divergent, I knew what they meant and what they said, but I felt like they were lying. Is that why she hesitated in the choosing ceremony? Because she was divergent? Or was it something else? Is she like me? Is she divergent? Is she erudite? Is she dauntless? Who is Felix? Who is Vic? I will survive initiation, because I am brave, because I am dauntless and because of her. I will survive for Vic.

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