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I wake up in a clammy sweat. What was wrong with me? Why did I think I could pull this off? I get out of bed and pull on fresh clothes. The blue outfit feels fresh and crisp against my sweaty body. Rune is still in bed and the already dressed Genevieve is trying to wake her. Rune merely tosses in her sleep while Genevieve curses loudly.

"Hey, can I-ummm-try?" I ask.

"Be my guest! I'm not being late to classes for this lazy girl!" and with that she storms off, uttering swear words under her breath. She looks funny carrying her thick textbooks and wearing fancy black heels. I wait until I hear the sound of her clicking heels disappear, before walking over to Rune. Rune's eyes are pressed shut, and her body quivers. Her black hair is sprawled around her, giving her the look of destress or loss. She's having a nightmare.

"Rune? Rune, are you ok?" I whisper, my tone as soft and concerned as it could be. I press myself close to her ear and whisper once more. "Rune, it'll be ok. I'm here now. You aren't alone." I wish I could help stir her from the terrors of her dream, but only she can do so. "Rune," I utter quietly, "be brave." After those words are spoken, and seemingly in response to them, Rune's eyes fly open.

"Why are you here Vic? You're going to be late! Why did you stay for me? Why not just go?" she chatters, sounding like an erudite with her questions, but an amity by tone.

"That doesn't matter." I state honestly, as though it were the easiest and truest thing ever spoken, "What matters right now is you. Are you ok?" I'm surprised by my words, but she seems more shocked than me. Yet, she also seems pleased.

"Your tone makes you sound so, so brave. Like, as the dauntless do. I guess that's kind of expected, since you were dauntless before, but it felt so beautiful when they were spoken aloud." Rune says, her eyes glowing with awe, respect and bewilderment. "How did it feel to say such bold words anyway?"

"They surprised me." I admit, "I was really just concerned. That looked like some nightmare."

"It was. It's not important, I can barely remember it. We need to get to class." Rune's voice is full of determination, one that I've always valued and noticed. She gathers up her books, and heads for the door. When in the threshold, she turns to gaze at me. "Vic, I-I-thanks."

"No problem." I mutter, collecting my textbooks. Rune and I ask for directions to our own classes and part ways with a small wave and a smile. My first class is science, so I scurry down the hall towards the labs that I was told to go to. Even with my directions, it takes a while to find the small lab where the class is held. By the time I find it, I'm late. I stride into the room, trying not to look nervous. The instructor turns her head, and I'm shocked to see Jeanine standing there. Her pale eyes pierce me searchingly, asking for an explanation without her having to speak. She looks me over casually, making me fully aware of my fitful appearance. My hair is tangled, as I did not brush it. My clothes are wrinkled and messy. My eyes must be dark from lack of sleep, and I must seem somewhat sweaty. Then I notice where her eyes linger most, the spot where on my shoulder where my tattoo is. I forgot to make sure it was covered, and when I turn to glance at it, I notice that it is completely uncovered.

"You're late." Jeanine says at last, her gaze transfixed on me, awaiting an explanation.

"Yeah, I realized." I say defiantly. Some of the other students gasp, but I don't care. It doesn't matter if Jeanine is my leader or not, as she means nothing to me. "I was aware of class starting, and I don't care." I admit boldly. I feel like a pure dauntless, with adrenaline running through me. The thrill of nervous excitement that I'm used to. My words bring up another gasp. Jeanine raises her hands to silence my shocked peers.

"If this young lady feels she can skip class comfortably, than so be it. Let her fail to pass examinations and mental training. Let her become factionless." Jeanine's voice is calm, and although it appears she is addressing my classmates, I see her stern eyes fixed on me. "Vic, please take a seat."

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