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Jeanine's guards take Vic away, leading her back to our cell. Cal returns with the guard that killed Brianne. I glare at his auburn hair, furious with the man that made Vic cry so hard. When she cries, I feel as if I failed, I want to do anything to make her happy. I want to keep her safe. Jeanine leaves the room, requesting the guards to follow with me. We follow her clacking heels down the halls, until we reach the elevator. We step inside the elevator and Jeanine presses a button. As we descend I turn to Jeanine.

"Where are we going?" 

"You need special equipment to photograph the brain, Felix." Her answer is shorter than I expected, and only partially answers me. Will we remain in this building, or leave to visit another part of the erudite sector? Will this be painful? Is Vic ok? At least she won't be left with her brother if he's guarding me. I feel so furious with her pansycake brother. I want to punch him until he dies, break all his bones, put him through the pains he forced Vic through. I still feel a bit suprised. This is the Cal that failed at candor and dauntless. This is the guy that Vic loved with all her heart, the one she was obviously afraid to leave. Cal always protected her, taught her how to defend herself, gave her his skill. This is the face of a coward. Yet, somehow, he's not afraid of betraying Vic. He doesn't care if she's upset or hurt. He let Jeanine inject her with that serum. He stopped her from seeking revenge on her. He helped drag her away and lock her in our prison like room. He doesn't deserve a sister like her. He isn't worthy of beautiful young Vic, unworthy of her strength and kindness. Her amity brother never deserves to look at her again. I couldn't live if she perished, I don't see how he could.

The elevator arrives at it's destination, and we all get out. Jeanine leaves, telling the dauntless to escort me to room twenty nine. That means nothing at all to me, I've never been here before. the man that killed Brianne leads the way, Cal watching me closely. "How could you kill her?" I ask, glaring at the man leading us. His auburn head swivels round so that he's looking me in the eye.

"It was my job." He states bluntly.

"If it were my job to kill your friend and I did, would you be happy with me! Would you want to become best friends? Would you not care at all?" I shout.

"I suppose not." He admits, "but it's not so."

"I see your point Felix." Cal mutters.

"Cal why did-" but the murderer interrupts me before I can finish.

"We're here."

They lead me into the small room. A large machine takes up almost all space, blocking out the glass wall. The floor is clean, but not as clean as the one in Jeanine's office. A large metal tray rests on the glossy yellow tiled floor. A spluttering noise echoes on a small intercom that I didn't notice before. I turn to stare at it, and notice a security camera beside it. Jeannine's voice sounds, issuing from the intercom, "Felix goes on the tray, and the tray goes into the machine." Jeanine explains, as if that's all we need to know. Cal silently lifts the metal tray onto the machine.

"Lie down Felix." Cal whispers softly, obviously not wanting to fight me. I feel fury raging through me, how can he still speak to me that way? How can he do that after betraying Vic? "Not now." He whispers, "We can fight at a different point in time. I haven't done what you think I have."

"You betrayed her." I remind him, "how can you say that!"

"No I haven't. You'll see. I promise, later it will make sense. Lie down for now though." Cal says.

I realize there's no point in arguing. I'll end up on that tray sooner or later, so I may as well oblige him. I need to get back to Vic. I can't leave her alone in this terrible place. The quicker I get this done, the sooner I'll return to Vic. "Let's get this over with." I sigh, rolling my eyes before adding, "I'll get my revenge when I'm free, you amity traitor."

"Maybe." Cal says as I lie down on the tray, "Or you could end up in a different state of mind on that matter."

"Whatever." I mumble. The tray is cold as a chilling winter breeze. I feel myself enter the machine. A whiteness of shimmering silver metal surrounds me, making me feel as though I were trapped inside the belly of a snow white beast. The large machine hums to life, making the tray shake and my body tingle. A sudden hotness seems to surround me, the energy pressing into me, as if it were trying to get into me. My head burns the most, filled with the strange buzzing of the odd brain machine. How dare Jeanine do this. How dare she hurt Vic and try to hurt me. I will never let her get away with it. Never. The noises and throbbing make me imagine beams or knives, cutting into my head piercing my brain, searching my body for something that I have that others don't. Searching my brain for the source of my divergence. Slowly, the buzzing calms and I am being pulled from the machine. Cal helps me to my feet.

"Come on Felix." He whispers, "Jeanine's ready for her next experiment."

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